package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma
Frequently used data should be kept in memory and persisted along a chain of blocks. The caching mechanism allows the economic protocol to declare such data and to rely on a Least Recently Used strategy to keep the cache size under a fixed limit.
Take a look at Environment_cache
and Environment_context
for additional implementation details about the protocol cache.
The protocol has two main kinds of interaction with the cache:
1. It is responsible for setting up the cache with appropriate parameter values and callbacks. It must also compute cache nonces to give the shell enough information to properly synchronize the in-memory cache with the block contexts and protocol upgrades. A typical place where this happens is Apply
. This aspect must be implemented using Cache.Admin
2. It can exploit the cache to retrieve, to insert, and to update cached values from the in-memory cache. The basic idea is to avoid recomputing values from scratch at each block when they are frequently used. Script_cache
is an example of such usage. This aspect must be implemented using Cache.Interface
module Admin : sig ... end
The following module acts on the whole cache, not on a specific sub-cache, unlike Interface
. It is used to administrate the protocol cache, e.g., to maintain the cache in a consistent state with respect to the chain. This module is typically used by low-level layers of the protocol and by the shell.
A client uses a unique namespace (represented as a string without '@') to avoid collision with the keys of other clients.
val create_namespace : string -> namespace
create_namespace str
creates a valid namespace from str
module type CLIENT = sig ... end
To use the cache, a client must implement the CLIENT
module type INTERFACE = sig ... end
to the subcache where keys live in a given namespace
val register_exn :
(module CLIENT with type cached_value = 'a) ->
with type cached_value = 'a)
register_exn client
produces an Interface
specific to a given client
. This function can fail if client
does not respect the invariant declared in the documentation of CLIENT