package tezos-protocol-013-PtJakart

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

registered ctxt delegate returns true iff delegate is an implicit contract that delegates to itself.

init ctxt contract delegate sets the delegate associated to contract.

This function is undefined if contract is not allocated, or if contract has already a delegate.

unlink ctxt contract removes contract from the list of contracts that delegated to find ctxt contract, i.e. the output of delegated_contracts. This function does not affect the value of the expression find ctxt contract.

This function is undefined if contract is not allocated.

delete ctxt contract behaves as unlink ctxt contract, but in addition removes the association of the contract to its current delegate, leaving the former without delegate.

This function is undefined if contract is not allocated.

set ctxt contract delegate updates the delegate associated to contract.

This function is undefined if contract is not allocated, or if contract does not have a delegate.

delegated_contracts ctxt delegate returns the list of contracts (implicit or originated) that delegated to delegate.


Innovation. Community. Security.