package tezos-protocol-012-Psithaca

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module manages the cache for smart contracts.

This cache must be consistent with the on-disk representation of the smart contracts. In particular, update must be called each time a contract storage is updated.

type identifier

Each cached script has a unique identifier in the cache.

The cache holds the unparsed and the internal representation of the contract.

find ctxt contract returns (ctxt', identifier, script) where:

  • ctxt' is ctxt with less gas;
  • identifier is the identifier identifying the contract in the cache;
  • script = None if there is no such contract in ctxt;
  • script = Some (unparsed_script, ir_script) where
  • unparsed_script is the contract source code and storage;
  • script_ir is a typed internal representation of the contract, i.e., the abstract syntax tree of its code as well as its storage.

This function consumes gas depending on the cache. If the contract is not in the cache, then the function also consumes the gas of Contract.get_script and Script_ir_translator.parse_script.

update ctxt identifier unparsed_script ir_script size refreshes the cached contract identified by identifier with a new unparsed_script, a new ir_script, and a new size.

entries ctxt returns the contracts in the cache as well as their respective size. The list is sorted by date of last modification: the least recently updated entry comes first.

val contract_rank : Alpha_context.context -> Alpha_context.Contract.t -> int option

contract_rank ctxt contract returns the number of contracts older than contract in the cache of ctxt. This function returns None if contract does not exist in the cache of ctxt.

val size : Alpha_context.context -> int

size ctxt is an overapproximation of the cache size in memory (in bytes).

val size_limit : Alpha_context.context -> int

size_limit ctxt is the maximal size of the cache (in bytes).


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