package tezos-protocol-012-Psithaca

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type fixed

Fixed constants

type delegate_selection =
  1. | Random
  2. | Round_robin_over of Tezos_protocol_environment_012_Psithaca.Signature.Public_key.t list list
val proof_of_work_nonce_size : int
val nonce_length : int
val max_anon_ops_per_block : int
val max_operation_data_length : int
val max_proposals_per_delegate : int
val michelson_maximum_type_size : int
type ratio = {
  1. numerator : int;
  2. denominator : int;
type parametric = {
  1. preserved_cycles : int;
  2. blocks_per_cycle : int32;
  3. blocks_per_commitment : int32;
  4. blocks_per_stake_snapshot : int32;
  5. blocks_per_voting_period : int32;
  6. hard_gas_limit_per_operation : Gas.Arith.integral;
  7. hard_gas_limit_per_block : Gas.Arith.integral;
  8. proof_of_work_threshold : int64;
  9. tokens_per_roll : Tez.t;
  10. seed_nonce_revelation_tip : Tez.t;
  11. origination_size : int;
  12. baking_reward_fixed_portion : Tez.t;
  13. baking_reward_bonus_per_slot : Tez.t;
  14. endorsing_reward_per_slot : Tez.t;
  15. cost_per_byte : Tez.t;
  16. hard_storage_limit_per_operation : Tezos_protocol_environment_012_Psithaca.Z.t;
  17. quorum_min : int32;
  18. quorum_max : int32;
  19. min_proposal_quorum : int32;
  20. liquidity_baking_subsidy : Tez.t;
  21. liquidity_baking_sunset_level : int32;
  22. liquidity_baking_escape_ema_threshold : int32;
  23. max_operations_time_to_live : int;
  24. minimal_block_delay : Period.t;
  25. delay_increment_per_round : Period.t;
  26. minimal_participation_ratio : ratio;
  27. consensus_committee_size : int;
  28. consensus_threshold : int;
  29. max_slashing_period : int;
  30. frozen_deposits_percentage : int;
  31. double_baking_punishment : Tez.t;
  32. ratio_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_endorsement : ratio;
  33. delegate_selection : delegate_selection;

Constants parameterized by context

module Generated : sig ... end
val parametric : context -> parametric
val preserved_cycles : context -> int
val blocks_per_cycle : context -> int32
val blocks_per_commitment : context -> int32
val blocks_per_stake_snapshot : context -> int32
val blocks_per_voting_period : context -> int32
val hard_gas_limit_per_operation : context -> Gas.Arith.integral
val hard_gas_limit_per_block : context -> Gas.Arith.integral
val cost_per_byte : context -> Tez.t
val hard_storage_limit_per_operation : context -> Tezos_protocol_environment_012_Psithaca.Z.t
val proof_of_work_threshold : context -> int64
val tokens_per_roll : context -> Tez.t
val seed_nonce_revelation_tip : context -> Tez.t
val origination_size : context -> int
val baking_reward_fixed_portion : context -> Tez.t
val baking_reward_bonus_per_slot : context -> Tez.t
val endorsing_reward_per_slot : context -> Tez.t
val quorum_min : context -> int32
val quorum_max : context -> int32
val min_proposal_quorum : context -> int32
val liquidity_baking_subsidy : context -> Tez.t
val liquidity_baking_sunset_level : context -> int32
val liquidity_baking_escape_ema_threshold : context -> int32
val minimal_block_delay : context -> Period.t
val delay_increment_per_round : context -> Period.t
val round_durations : context -> Round.round_durations
val consensus_committee_size : context -> int
val consensus_threshold : context -> int
val minimal_participation_ratio : context -> ratio
val max_slashing_period : context -> int
val frozen_deposits_percentage : context -> int
val double_baking_punishment : context -> Tez.t
val ratio_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_endorsement : context -> ratio
type t = private {
  1. fixed : fixed;
  2. parametric : parametric;

All constants: fixed and parametric

val all : context -> t

Innovation. Community. Security.