package tezos-protocol-011-PtHangz2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Protocol Signature Instance

This module is the entrypoint to the protocol for shells and other embedders. This signature is an instance of the Updater.PROTOCOL signature from the Protocol Environment.

Each Protocol depends on a version of the Protocol Environment. For the currently developed protocol, this is normally the latest version. You can see the full list of versions here.

For details on how Protocol and Environment interact, see this overview.

type validation_mode =
  1. | Application of {
    1. block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t;
    2. baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash;
  2. | Partial_application of {
    1. block_header : Alpha_context.Block_header.t;
    2. baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash;
  3. | Partial_construction of {
    1. predecessor : Tezos_protocol_environment_011_PtHangz2.Block_hash.t;
  4. | Full_construction of {
    1. predecessor : Tezos_protocol_environment_011_PtHangz2.Block_hash.t;
    2. protocol_data : Alpha_context.Block_header.contents;
    3. baker : Alpha_context.public_key_hash;
type validation_state = {
  1. mode : validation_mode;
  2. chain_id : Tezos_protocol_environment_011_PtHangz2.Chain_id.t;
  3. ctxt : Alpha_context.t;
  4. op_count : int;
  5. migration_balance_updates : Alpha_context.Receipt.balance_updates;
  6. liquidity_baking_escape_ema : Tezos_protocol_environment_011_PtHangz2.Int32.t;
  7. implicit_operations_results : Apply_results.packed_successful_manager_operation_result list;
include Tezos_protocol_environment_011_PtHangz2.Updater.PROTOCOL with type block_header_data = Alpha_context.Block_header.protocol_data and type block_header_metadata = Apply_results.block_metadata and type block_header = Alpha_context.Block_header.t and type operation_data := operation_data and type operation_receipt = Apply_results.packed_operation_metadata and type operation := operation and type validation_state := validation_state
val max_block_length : int
val max_operation_data_length : int
type block_header_metadata = Apply_results.block_metadata
val acceptable_passes : operation -> int list
val relative_position_within_block : operation -> operation -> int

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