package tezos-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type execution_trace = (Alpha_context.Script.location * Alpha_context.Gas.t * (Alpha_context.Script.expr * string option) list) list
type Tezos_protocol_environment_008_PtEdo2Zk.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Michelson_too_many_recursive_calls
type execution_result = {
  1. ctxt : Alpha_context.context;
  2. storage : Alpha_context.Script.expr;
  3. lazy_storage_diff : Alpha_context.Lazy_storage.diffs option;
  4. operations : Alpha_context.packed_internal_operation list;
module type STEP_LOGGER = sig ... end

STEP_LOGGER is the module type of logging modules as passed to the Michelson interpreter. Note that logging must be performed by side-effects on an underlying log structure.

type logger = (module STEP_LOGGER)

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