package tezos-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Result of applying an operation, can be used for experimenting with protocol updates, by clients to print out a summary of the operation at pre-injection simulation and at confirmation time, and by block explorers.

type 'kind operation_metadata = {
  1. contents : 'kind contents_result_list;

Result of applying a Operation.t. Follows the same structure.

and packed_operation_metadata =
  1. | Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
  2. | No_operation_metadata : packed_operation_metadata
and 'kind contents_result_list =
  1. | Single_result : 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_result_list
  2. | Cons_result : 'kind Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Alpha_context.Kind.manager contents_result_list

Result of applying a Operation.contents_list. Follows the same structure.

and packed_contents_result_list =
  1. | Contents_result_list : 'kind contents_result_list -> packed_contents_result_list
and packed_contents_result =
  1. | Contents_result : 'kind contents_result -> packed_contents_result

The result of an operation in the queue. Skipped ones should always be at the tail, and after a single Failed.

and _ successful_manager_operation_result =
  1. | Reveal_result : {
    1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.reveal successful_manager_operation_result
  2. | Transaction_result : {
    1. storage : Alpha_context.Script.expr option;
    2. lazy_storage_diff : Alpha_context.Lazy_storage.diffs option;
    3. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Delegate.balance_updates;
    4. originated_contracts : Alpha_context.Contract.t list;
    5. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    6. storage_size : Tezos_protocol_environment_008_PtEdo2Zk.Z.t;
    7. paid_storage_size_diff : Tezos_protocol_environment_008_PtEdo2Zk.Z.t;
    8. allocated_destination_contract : bool;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.transaction successful_manager_operation_result
  3. | Origination_result : {
    1. lazy_storage_diff : Alpha_context.Lazy_storage.diffs option;
    2. balance_updates : Alpha_context.Delegate.balance_updates;
    3. originated_contracts : Alpha_context.Contract.t list;
    4. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    5. storage_size : Tezos_protocol_environment_008_PtEdo2Zk.Z.t;
    6. paid_storage_size_diff : Tezos_protocol_environment_008_PtEdo2Zk.Z.t;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.origination successful_manager_operation_result
  4. | Delegation_result : {
    1. consumed_gas : Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.fp;
    } -> Alpha_context.Kind.delegation successful_manager_operation_result

Result of applying a manager_operation_content, either internal or external.

and packed_successful_manager_operation_result =
  1. | Successful_manager_result : 'kind successful_manager_operation_result -> packed_successful_manager_operation_result
and packed_internal_operation_result =
  1. | Internal_operation_result : 'kind Alpha_context.internal_operation * 'kind manager_operation_result -> packed_internal_operation_result

Serializer for packed_operation_result.

type packed_contents_and_result_list =
  1. | Contents_and_result_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> packed_contents_and_result_list
val pack_contents_list : 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list -> 'kind contents_result_list -> 'kind contents_and_result_list
val unpack_contents_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list
type ('a, 'b) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val kind_equal_list : 'kind Alpha_context.contents_list -> 'kind2 contents_result_list -> ('kind, 'kind2) eq option

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