package tezos-protocol-007-PsDELPH1

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('ta, 'tb) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('same, 'same) eq
type ex_comparable_ty =
  1. | Ex_comparable_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> ex_comparable_ty
type ex_ty =
  1. | Ex_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> ex_ty
type ex_stack_ty =
  1. | Ex_stack_ty : 'a Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ex_stack_ty
type ex_script =
  1. | Ex_script : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.script -> ex_script
type ('arg, 'storage) code = {
  1. code : (('arg, 'storage) Script_typed_ir.pair, (Script_typed_ir.operation Script_typed_ir.boxed_list, 'storage) Script_typed_ir.pair) Script_typed_ir.lambda;
  2. arg_type : 'arg Script_typed_ir.ty;
  3. storage_type : 'storage Script_typed_ir.ty;
  4. root_name : Script_typed_ir.field_annot option;
type ex_code =
  1. | Ex_code : ('a, 'c) code -> ex_code
type tc_context =
  1. | Lambda : tc_context
  2. | Dip : 'a Script_typed_ir.stack_ty * tc_context -> tc_context
  3. | Toplevel : {
    1. storage_type : 'sto Script_typed_ir.ty;
    2. param_type : 'param Script_typed_ir.ty;
    3. root_name : Script_typed_ir.field_annot option;
    4. legacy_create_contract_literal : bool;
    } -> tc_context
type 'bef judgement =
  1. | Typed : ('bef, 'aft) Script_typed_ir.descr -> 'bef judgement
  2. | Failed : {
    1. descr : 'aft. 'aft Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> ('bef, 'aft) Script_typed_ir.descr;
    } -> 'bef judgement
type unparsing_mode =
  1. | Optimized
  2. | Readable
val list_empty : 'a Script_typed_ir.boxed_list
val set_fold : ('elt -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'elt Script_typed_ir.set -> 'acc -> 'acc
val set_update : 'a -> bool -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set
val set_mem : 'elt -> 'elt Script_typed_ir.set -> bool
val empty_map : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> ('a, 'b)
val map_fold : ('key -> 'value -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> ('key, 'value) -> 'acc -> 'acc
val map_update : 'a -> 'b option -> ('a, 'b) -> ('a, 'b)
val map_mem : 'key -> ('key, 'value) -> bool
val map_get : 'key -> ('key, 'value) -> 'value option
val map_key_ty : ('a, 'b) -> 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty
val big_map_update : 'key -> 'value option -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map
val compare_comparable : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a -> 'a -> int
val parse_ty : Alpha_context.context -> legacy:bool -> allow_big_map:bool -> allow_operation:bool -> allow_contract:bool -> Alpha_context.Script.node -> (ex_ty * Alpha_context.context) Tezos_protocol_environment_007_PsDELPH1.Error_monad.tzresult

We expose parse_ty for convenience to external tools. Please use specialized versions such as parse_packable_ty and parse_parameter_ty if possible.

type big_map_ids
val no_big_map_id : big_map_ids

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