package tezos-dal-node-lib
The gossipsub automaton that will be used by the worker.
module Peer :
with type t = Tezos_dal_node_services.Types.Peer.t
Module for peer
module Topic :
with type t = Tezos_dal_node_services.Types.Topic.t
Module for topic
module Message_id : sig ... end
Module for message_id
module Message :
with type t = Tezos_dal_node_services.Types.Message.t
Module for message
module Time :
with type t = Tezos_dal_node_services.Types.Time.t
Module for time
module Span :
with type t = Tezos_dal_node_services.Types.Span.t
Module for time duration
module Score :
with type time = Time.t
and type topic = Topic.t
Module for peers scores
type message = Message.t
type span = Span.t
type limits :=
(Topic.t, Peer.t, Message_id.t, span) Tezos_gossipsub.Gossipsub_intf.limits
Limits of the gossipsub protocol.
type parameters :=
(Peer.t, Message_id.t) Tezos_gossipsub.Gossipsub_intf.parameters
Parameters of the gossipsub protocol.
The types of payloads for inputs to the gossipsub automaton.
type prune = {
peer : Peer.t;
topic : Topic.t;
px : Peer.t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Seq.t;
backoff : span;
type receive_message = {
sender : Peer.t;
topic : Topic.t;
message_id : Message_id.t;
message : message;
type _ output =
| Ihave_from_peer_with_low_score : {
score : Score.t;
threshold : float;
} -> [ `IHave ] output
(*The peer who sent an IHave message has a
.| Too_many_recv_ihave_messages : {
} -> [ `IHave ] output
(*The peer sent us more than
IHave messages within two successive heartbeat calls.| Too_many_sent_iwant_messages : {
} -> [ `IHave ] output
(*We sent more than
IWant messages to this peer within two successive heartbeat calls.| Message_topic_not_tracked : [ `IHave ] output
(*We received an IHave message for a topic we don't track.
*)| Message_requested_message_ids : Message_id.t list -> [ `IHave ] output
(*The messages ids we want to request from the peer which sent us an IHave message. The implementation honors the
limit.| Invalid_message_id : [ `IHave ] output
(*A message id received via IHave message is invalid.
*)| Iwant_from_peer_with_low_score : {
score : Score.t;
threshold : float;
} -> [ `IWant ] output
(*The peer who sent an IWant message has a
.| On_iwant_messages_to_route : {
routed_message_ids : [ `Ignored | `Not_found | `Too_many_requests | `Message of message ] Message_id.Map.t;
} -> [ `IWant ] output
(*As an answer for an
message, the automaton returns a map associating to each requested message_id either`Ignored
if the peer is filtered out bypeer_filter
if the message is not found, orMessage m
is the message with the given id.| Peer_filtered : [ `Graft ] output
(*The peer we attempt to graft has not been selected by
.| Unsubscribed_topic : [ `Graft ] output
(*We didn't join the topic for which we are attempting to graft a peer.
*)| Peer_already_in_mesh : [ `Graft ] output
(*Attempting to graft a peer which has already been grafted.
*)| Grafting_direct_peer : [ `Graft ] output
(*Attempting to graft a direct peer.
*)| Unexpected_grafting_peer : [ `Graft ] output
(*The peer we attempt to graft is not known.
*)| Grafting_peer_with_negative_score : [ `Graft ] output
(*Attempting to graft a peer with a negative score.
*)| Grafting_successfully : [ `Graft ] output
(*Grafting the given peer for the provided topic succeeded.
*)| Peer_backed_off : [ `Graft ] output
(*We cannot graft the given peer because it is backed off.
*)| Mesh_full : [ `Graft ] output
(*Grafting a peer for a topic whose mesh has already sufficiently many peers.
*)| Prune_topic_not_tracked : [ `Prune ] output
(*Attempting to prune a peer for a non-tracked topic.
*)| Peer_not_in_mesh : [ `Prune ] output
(*Attempting to prune a peer which is not in the mesh.
*)| Ignore_PX_score_too_low : Score.t -> [ `Prune ] output
(*The given peer has been pruned for the given topic, but no alternative peers are returned because the peer's score is too low. The score of the peer is included in the return value.
*)| No_PX : [ `Prune ] output
(*The given peer has been pruned for the given topic. No alternatives peers was provided in
.| PX : Peer.Set.t -> [ `Prune ] output
(*The given peer has been pruned for the given topic. The given set of peers alternatives in
for that topic is returned.| Publish_message : {
to_publish : Peer.Set.t;
} -> [ `Publish_message ] output
contains:- Direct peers for the message's topic;
- The peers in the topic's mesh, if the peer is subscribed to the topic. Otherwise, the peers in the topic's fanout.
| Already_published : [ `Publish_message ] output
(*Attempting to publish a message that has already been published.
*)| Route_message : {
to_route : Peer.Set.t;
} -> [ `Receive_message ] output
contains:- Direct peers for the message's topic;
- The peers in the topic's mesh minus the original sender of the message.
| Already_received : [ `Receive_message ] output
(*Received a message that has already been recevied before.
*)| Not_subscribed : [ `Receive_message ] output
(*Received a message from a remote peer for a topic we are not subscribed to (called "unknown topic" in the Go implementation).
*)| Invalid_message : [ `Receive_message ] output
| Unknown_validity : [ `Receive_message ] output
(*Attempting to publish a message that is invalid.
*)| Already_joined : [ `Join ] output
(*Attempting to join a topic we already joined.
*)| Joining_topic : {
to_graft : Peer.Set.t;
} -> [ `Join ] output
(*When successfully joining a topic, the set of grafted peers for that topic is returned.
*)| Not_joined : [ `Leave ] output
(*Attempting to leave a topic which we didn't join or had already left.
*)| Leaving_topic : {
to_prune : Peer.Set.t;
noPX_peers : Peer.Set.t;
} -> [ `Leave ] output
(*When successfully leaving a topic, the set of pruned peers for that topic is returned alongside a subset of those peers for which no alternative PX will be proposed.
*)| Heartbeat : {
to_graft : Topic.Set.t Peer.Map.t;
(*The set of topics per peer that have been grafted.
*)to_prune : Topic.Set.t Peer.Map.t;
(*The set of topics per peer that have been pruned.
*)noPX_peers : Peer.Set.t;
(*Set of peers for which peer exchange (PX) will not be proposed.
} -> [ `Heartbeat ] output
| Peer_added : [ `Add_peer ] output
(*The output returned when successfully adding a peer.
*)| Peer_already_known : [ `Add_peer ] output
(*The output returned when attempting to add a peer which is already known.
*)| Removing_peer : [ `Remove_peer ] output
(*The output returned when successfully removing a peer.
*)| Subscribed : [ `Subscribe ] output
(*The output returned once we successfully processed a subscribe request sent from a peer.
*)| Subscribe_to_unknown_peer : [ `Subscribe ] output
(*The output returned when we receive a subscribe message from a peer we don't know.
*)| Unsubscribed : [ `Unsubscribe ] output
(*The output returned once we successfully processed an unsubscribe request sent from a peer.
*)| Unsubscribe_from_unknown_peer : [ `Unsubscribe ] output
(*The output returned when we receive an unsubscribe message from a peer we don't know.
*)| Set_application_score : [ `Set_application_score ] output
(*The output returned when we set the application score of a peer
Output produced by one of the actions below.
val make : Random.State.t -> limits -> parameters -> state
Initialise a state.
add_peer { direct; outbound; peer }
is called to notify a new connection. If direct
is true
, the gossipsub always forwards messages to those peers. outbound
is true
if it is an outbound connection, that is, a connection initiated by the local (not the remote) peer. Note however that the notion of "outbound" connections can be refined, relaxed or redefined by the application layer to fit its own needs.
val remove_peer : remove_peer -> [ `Remove_peer ] monad
remove_peer { peer }
notifies gossipsub that we are disconnected from a peer. Do note that the state
still maintain information for this connection for retain_duration
handle_subscribe {topic; peer}
handles a request from a remote peer
informing us that it is subscribed to topic
val handle_unsubscribe : unsubscribe -> [ `Unsubscribe ] monad
handle_unsubscribe {topic; peer}
handles a request from a remote peer
informing us that it unsubscribed from topic
handle_ihave { peer; topic; message_ids }
handles the gossip message IHave
emitted by peer
for topic
with the message_ids
handle_iwant { peer; message_ids }
handles the gossip message IWant
emitted by peer
for topic
with the message_ids
handle_graft { peer; topic }
handles the gossip message Graft
emitted by peer
for topic
. This action allows to graft a connection to a full connection allowing the transmission of full messages for the given topic.
handle_prune { peer; topic; px; backoff }
handles the gossip message Prune
emitted by peer
for topic
. This action allows to prune a full connection. In that case, the remote peer can send a list of peers to connect to as well as a backoff time, which is a duration for which we cannot Graft
this peer on this topic.
val handle_receive_message : receive_message -> [ `Receive_message ] monad
handle_receive_message { sender; topic; message_id; message }
handles a message received from sender
on the gossip network. The function returns a set of peers to which the (full) message will be directly forwarded.
val publish_message : publish_message -> [ `Publish_message ] monad
publish { topic; message_id; message }
allows to publish a message on the gossip network from the local node. The function returns a set of peers to which the (full) message will be directly forwarded.
val heartbeat : [ `Heartbeat ] monad
executes the heartbeat routine of the algorithm.
join { topic }
handles a join to a new topic. On success, the function returns the set of peers that have been grafted to form the mesh of the joined topic.
leave { topic }
handles a leave from a topic. On success, the function returns the set of peers, forming the mesh, that have been pruned for that topic.
val set_application_score :
set_application_score ->
[ `Set_application_score ] monad
set_application_score {peer; score}
handles setting the application score of peer
. If the peer is not known, this does nothing.
val select_px_peers :
state ->
peer_to_prune:Peer.t ->
Topic.t ->
noPX_peers:Peer.Set.t ->
Peer.t list
Select random peers for Peer eXchange. Note that function is deterministic; however, it has side effects in that it updates the state
's random state.
Select the gossip messages to be sent. These are IHave control messages referring to recently seen messages (that is, sent during the last history_gossip_length
heartbeat ticks), to be sent to a random selection of peers. The message ids for a peer and a topic are also selected at random among the possible ones. At most max_sent_iwant_per_heartbeat
message ids are sent.
The local peer will send gossip to at most gossip_factor
* (total number of non-mesh/non-fanout peers), or degree_lazy
random peers, whichever is greater.
Note that function is deterministic; however, it has side effects in that it updates the state
's random state.
val pp_add_peer : Format.formatter -> add_peer -> unit
val pp_remove_peer : Format.formatter -> remove_peer -> unit
val pp_ihave : Format.formatter -> ihave -> unit
val pp_iwant : Format.formatter -> iwant -> unit
val pp_graft : Format.formatter -> graft -> unit
val pp_prune : Format.formatter -> prune -> unit
val pp_receive_message : Format.formatter -> receive_message -> unit
val pp_publish_message : Format.formatter -> publish_message -> unit
val pp_join : Format.formatter -> join -> unit
val pp_leave : Format.formatter -> leave -> unit
val pp_subscribe : Format.formatter -> subscribe -> unit
val pp_unsubscribe : Format.formatter -> unsubscribe -> unit
val pp_set_application_score :
Format.formatter ->
set_application_score ->
val pp_output : Format.formatter -> 'a output -> unit
module Introspection : sig ... end