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This library implements polynomials of Bls12_381.Fr as arrays of contiguous memory in C, allowing much better performances for algorithms that scan the polynomials.
An array a of size n represents the polynomial $\sum_i^(n-1) ai X^i$ The length of a is always greater or equal than the degree+1 of its corresponding polynomial, if greater it padded with zeros. As a consequence a polynomial has many representations, namely all arrays with trailing zeros.
generate_biased_random_polynomial n generates a random polynomial of degree strictly lower than n, the distribution is NOT uniform, it is biased towards sparse polynomials and particularly towards the zero polynomial
linear_with_powers p s computes ∑ᵢ sⁱ·p.(i). This function is more efficient than linear + powers if all polynomials are approximately of the same size
blind ~nb_blinds n p adds to polynomial p a random multiple of polynomial (X^n - 1), chosen by uniformly sampling a polynomial b of degree strictly lower than nb_blinds and multiplying it by (X^n - 1)], b is returned as the second argument