package telegraml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module is used to deal with outgoing documents

type document = {
  1. chat_id : int;
  2. document : string;
  3. disable_notification : bool;
  4. reply_to_message_id : int option;
  5. reply_markup : ReplyMarkup.reply_markup option;

Represents the document voice message. Note that the document field can either be an existing file id or the raw bytes from a file

val create : chat_id:int -> document:string -> ?disable_notification:bool -> ?reply_to:int option -> ?reply_markup:ReplyMarkup.reply_markup option -> unit -> document

Create a document in a concise manner

Prepare a document for sending -- used in the case of a file id

val prepare : document -> string

Prepare a document for sending -- used in the case of a file id

Prepare a document for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes

val prepare_multipart : document -> string -> string Lwt.t

Prepare a document for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes


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