package tablecloth-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Arbitrary length, singly linked lists

Immutable singly-linked list of elements which must have the same type.

Lists can have any number of elements.

They are fast (O(1)) when:

  • Getting the first element using head
  • Getting the tail
  • Creating a new list by adding an element to the front using cons

They also support exhaustive pattern matching:

match a_list with
| [] -> "Empty"
| [a] -> "Exactly one element"
| [a, b] -> "Exactly two elements"
| a :: b :: cs -> "More than two elements"

Lists are slow when:

  • You need to access an element that isn't at the front of the list
  • Counting how many elements are in the list

As they have inefficent (O(n)) get_at and length operations.

If those are important to your use-case, perhaps you need an Array.

type 'a t = 'a list


You can create a list with the [1;2;3] syntax.

val empty : 'a t

An empty list.


List.empty = []
List.length List.empty = 0
val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

Create a list with only one element.


List.singleton 1234 = [1234]
List.singleton "hi" = ["hi"]
val repeat : 'a -> times:int -> 'a t

Creates a list of length times with the value x populated at each index.


List.repeat ~times:5 'a' = ['a'; 'a'; 'a'; 'a'; 'a']
List.repeat ~times:0 7 = []
List.repeat ~times:(-1) "Why?" = []
val range : ?from:int -> int -> int t

Creates a list containing all of the integers from from if it is provided or 0 if not, up to but not including to


List.range 5 = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4] 
List.range ~from:2 5 = [2; 3; 4] 
List.range ~from:(-2) 3 = [-2; -1; 0; 1; 2] 
val initialize : int -> f:(int -> 'a) -> 'a t

Initialize a list.

List.initialize n ~f creates a list of length n by setting the element at position index to be f(index).


List.initialize 4 ~f:identity = [0; 1; 2; 3]
List.initialize 4 ~f:(fun index -> index * index) = [0; 1; 4; 9]
val from_array : 'a array -> 'a t

Create a list from an Array.


List.from_array [|1;2;3|] = [1;2;3]

Basic operations

val head : 'a t -> 'a option

Returns, as an Option, the first element of a list.

If the list is empty, returns None.


List.head [1;2;3] = Some 1
List.head [] = None
val tail : 'a t -> 'a t option

Returns, as an Option, a list without its first element.

If the list is empty, returns None.


List.tail [1;2;3] = Some [2;3]
List.tail [1] = Some []
List.tail [] = None
val cons : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t

Prepend a value to the front of a list.

The :: operator can also be used, in Reason you use the spread syntax instead.


List.cons [2;3;4] 1 = [1;2;3;4]
1 :: [2;3;4] = [1;2;3;4]
val take : 'a t -> count:int -> 'a t

Attempt to take the first count elements of a list.

If the list has fewer than count elements, returns the entire list.

If count is zero or negative, returns [].


List.take [1;2;3] ~count:2 = [1;2]
List.take [] ~count:2 = []
List.take [1;2;3;4] ~count:8 = [1;2;3;4]
List.take [1;2;3;4] ~count:(-1) = []
val take_while : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t

Take elements from a list until f returns false.


List.take_while ~f:Int.is_even [2; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9] = [2; 4; 6]
List.take_while ~f:Int.is_even [2; 4; 6] = [2; 4; 6]
List.take_while ~f:Int.is_even [1; 2; 3] = []
val drop : 'a t -> count:int -> 'a t

Drop the first count elements from the front of a list.

If the list has fewer than count elements, returns .

If count is zero or negative, returns the entire list.


List.drop [1;2;3;4] ~count:2 = [3;4]
List.drop [1;2;3;4] ~count:6 = []
List.drop [1;2;3;4] ~count:(-1) = [1;2;3;4]
val drop_while : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t

Drop elements from a list until f returns false.


List.drop_while ~f:Int.is_even [2; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9] = [7; 8; 9]
List.drop_while ~f:Int.is_even [2; 4; 6; 8] = []
List.drop_while ~f:Int.is_even [1; 2; 3] = [1; 2; 3]
val initial : 'a t -> 'a t option

As an Option get of all of the elements of a list except the last one.

Returns None if the list is empty.


List.initial [1;2;3] = Some [1;2]
List.initial [1] = Some []
List.initial [] = None
val last : 'a t -> 'a option

Get the last element of a list.

Returns None if the list is empty.

Warning This will iterate through the entire list.


List.last [1;2;3] = Some 3
List.last [1] = Some 1
List.last [] = None
val get_at : 'a t -> index:int -> 'a option

Returns the element at position index in the list.

Returns None if index is outside of the bounds of the list.


List.get_at [1;2;3] ~index:1 = Some 2
List.get_at [] ~index:2 = None
List.get_at [1;2;3] ~index:100 = None
val insert_at : 'a t -> index:int -> value:'a -> 'a t

Insert a new element at the specified index.

The element previously occupying index will now be at index + 1

If index is greater than then length of the list, it will be appended:


Raises an Invalid_argument exception if index is negative.


  [100; 101; 102; 103] =
    [100; 101; 999; 102; 103]
List.insert_at ~index:0 ~value:999 [100; 101; 102; 103] = [999; 100; 101; 102; 103]
List.insert_at ~index:4 ~value:999 [100; 101; 102; 103] = [100; 101; 102; 103; 999]
List.insert_at ~index:(-1) ~value:999 [100; 101; 102; 103] = [999; 100; 101; 102; 103]
List.insert_at ~index:5 ~value:999 [100; 101; 102; 103] = [100; 101; 102; 103; 999]
val update_at : 'a t -> index:int -> f:('a -> 'a) -> 'a t

Returns a new list with the value at index updated to be the result of applying f.

If index is outside of the bounds of the list, returns the list as-is.


List.update_at [1; 2; 3] ~index:1 ~f:(Int.add 3) = [1; 5; 3]
let animals = ["Ant"; "Bat"; "Cat"] in
animals = List.update_at animals ~index:4 ~f:String.reverse
val remove_at : 'a t -> index:int -> 'a t

Creates a new list without the element at index.

If index is outside of the bounds of the list, returns the list as-is.


List.remove_at [1; 2; 3] ~index:2 = [1; 2]
let animals = ["Ant"; "Bat"; "Cat"] in
List.equal String.equal animals (List.remove_at animals ~index:4) = true
val reverse : 'a t -> 'a t

Reverse the elements in a list.


List.reverse [1; 2; 3] = [3; 2; 1]
val sort : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t

Sort using the provided compare function.

On native it uses merge sort which means the sort is stable, runs in linear heap space, logarithmic stack space and n * log (n) time.

When targeting javascript the time and space complexity of the sort cannot be guaranteed as it depends on the implementation.


List.sort [5;6;8;3;6] = [3;5;6;6;8]
val sort_by : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'a t

List.sort_by ~f:fcn xs returns a new list sorted according to the values returned by fcn. This is a stable sort: if two items have the same value, they will appear in the same order that they appeared in the original list.

List.sort_by ~f:(fun x -> x * x) [3; 2; 5; -2; 4] = [2; -2; 3; 4; 5]


val is_empty : _ t -> bool

Determine if a list is empty.


List.is_empty List.empty = true
List.is_empty [] = true
List.is_empty [1; 2; 3] = false
val length : 'a t -> int

Return the number of elements in a list.

Warning List.length needs to access the entire list in order to calculate its result.

If you need fast access to the length, perhaps you need an Array.

A common mistake is to have something like the following:

if (List.length some_list) = 0 then (
  () (* It will take longer than you think to reach here *)
) else (
  () (* But it doesn't need to *)

instead you should do

if (List.is_empty some_list) then (
  () (* This happens instantly *)
) else (
  () (* Since List.is_empty takes the same amount of time for all lists *)


match some_list with
| [] -> () (* Spoilers *)
| _ -> () (* This is how is_empty is implemented *)


List.length [] = 0
List.length [7; 8; 9] = 3
val any : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for any values in a list.

Stops iteration as soon as f returns true.


List.any ~f:Int.is_even [2;3] = true
List.any ~f:Int.is_even [1;3] = false
List.any ~f:Int.is_even [] = false
val all : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for all values in a list.

Stops iteration as soon as f returns false.


List.all ~f:Int.is_even [2;4] = true
List.all ~f:Int.is_even [2;3] = false
List.all ~f:Int.is_even [] = true
val count : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> int

Count the number of elements where function f returns true.


List.count [7;5;8;6] ~f:Int.is_even = 2
val unique_by : f:('a -> string) -> 'a list -> 'a list

List.unique_by ~f:fcn xs returns a new list containing only those elements from xs that have a unique value when fcn is applied to them.

The function fcn takes as its single parameter an item from the list and returns a string. If the function generates the same string for two or more list items, only the first of them is retained.


List.unique_by ~f:string_of_int [1; 3; 4; 3; 7; 7; 6] = [1; 3; 4; 7; 6];
let abs_str x = string_of_int (abs x) in
List.unique_by ~f:abs_str [1; 3; 4; -3; -7; 7; 6] = [1; 3; 4; -7; 6]
val find : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a option

Returns, as an option, the first element for which f evaluates to true.

If f doesn't return true for any of the elements find will return None.


List.find ~f:Int.is_even [1; 3; 4; 8;] = Some 4
List.find ~f:Int.is_odd [0; 2; 4; 8;] = None
List.find ~f:Int.is_even [] = None
val find_index : 'a t -> f:(int -> 'a -> bool) -> (int * 'a) option

Returns, as an option, a tuple of the first element and its index for which f evaluates to true.

If f doesnt return true for any (index, element) pair, returns None.


List.find_index ~f:(fun index number -> index > 2 && Int.is_even number) [1; 3; 4; 8;] = Some (3, 8)
val includes : 'a t -> 'a -> equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> bool

Test if a list contains the specified element using the provided equal to test for equality.

This function may iterate the entire list, so if your code needs to repeatedly perform this check, maybe you want a Set instead.


List.includes [1; 3; 5; 7] 3 ~equal:Int.equal = true
List.includes [1; 3; 5; 7] 4 ~equal:Int.equal = false
List.includes [] 5 ~equal:Int.equal = false
val minimum_by : f:('a -> 'comparable) -> 'a list -> 'a option

List.minimum_by ~f:fcn xs, when given a non-empty list, returns the item in the list for which fcn item is a minimum. It is returned as Some item.

If given an empty list, List.minimum_by returns None. If more than one value has a minimum value for fcn item, the first one is returned.

The function provided takes a list item as its parameter and must return a value that can be compared: for example, a string or int.


let mod12 x = x mod 12 in
let hours = [7; 9; 15; 10; 3; 22] in
List.minimum_by ~f:mod12 hours = Some 15;
List.minimum_by ~f:mod12 [] = None
val maximum_by : f:('a -> 'comparable) -> 'a list -> 'a option

List.maximum_by ~f:fcn xs, when given a non-empty list, returns the item in the list for which fcn item is a maximum. It is returned as Some item.

If given an empty list, List.maximum_by returns None. If more than one value has a maximum value for fcn item, the first one is returned.

The function provided takes a list item as its parameter and must return a value that can be compared: for example, a string or int.


let mod12 x = x mod 12 in
let hours = [7;9;15;10;3;22] in
List.maximum_by ~f:mod12 hours = Some 10;
List.maximum_by ~f:mod12 [] = None
val minimum : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option

Find the smallest element using the provided compare function.

Returns None if called on an empty list.


List.minimum [7; 5; 8; 6] = Some 5
val maximum : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option

Find the largest element using the provided compare function.

Returns None if called on an empty list.


List.maximum [7; 5; 8; 6] ~compare:compare = Some 8
val extent : 'a t -> compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('a * 'a) option

Find a Tuple2 of the (minimum, maximum) elements using the provided compare function.

Returns None if called on an empty list.


List.extent [7; 5; 8; 6] ~compare:compare = Some (5, 8)
val sum : 'a t -> (module Tablecloth__.TableclothContainer.Sum with type t = 'a) -> 'a

Calculate the sum of a list using the provided modules zero value and add function.


List.sum [1;2;3] (module Int) = 6
List.sum [4.0;4.5;5.0] (module Float) = 13.5
  ["a"; "b"; "c"]
    module struct
      type t = string
      let zero = ""
      let add = (^)
  = "abc"


val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Create a new list which is the result of applying a function f to every element.

Examples ~f:Float.square_root [1.0; 4.0; 9.0] = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
val map_with_index : 'a t -> f:(int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Apply a function f to every element and its index.


  ["zero"; "one"; "two"]
  ~f:(fun index element ->
    (Int.to_string index) ^ ": " ^ element)
  = ["0: zero"; "1: one"; "2: two"]
val filter : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t

Keep elements that f returns true for.


List.filter ~f:Int.is_even [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6] = [2; 4; 6]
val filter_with_index : 'a t -> f:(int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t

Like filter but f is also called with each elements index.

val filter_map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b t

Allows you to combine map and filter into a single pass.

The output list only contains elements for which f returns Some.

Why filter_map and not just filter then map?

filter_map removes the Option layer automatically. If your mapping is already returning an Option and you want to skip over Nones, then filter_map is much nicer to use.


let characters = ['a'; '9'; '6'; ' '; '2'; 'z'] in
List.filter_map characters ~f:Char.to_digit = [9; 6; 2]
List.filter_map [3; 4; 5; 6] ~f:(fun number ->
  if Int.is_even number then
    Some (number * number)
) = [16; 36]
val flat_map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Apply a function f onto a list and flatten the resulting list of lists.


List.flat_map ~f xs = ~f xs |> List.flatten
List.flat_map ~f:(fun n -> [n; n]) [1; 2; 3] = [1; 1; 2; 2; 3; 3]
val fold : 'a t -> initial:'b -> f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b

Transform a list into a value.

After applying f to every element of the list, fold returns the accumulator.

fold iterates over the elements of the list from first to last.

For examples if we have:

let numbers = [1; 2; 3] in
let sum =
  List.fold numbers ~initial:0 ~f:(fun accumulator element -> accumulator + element)
sum = 6

Walking though each iteration step by step:

  1. accumulator: 0, element: 1, result: 1
  2. accumulator: 1, element: 2, result: 3
  3. accumulator: 3, element: 3, result: 6

And so the final result is 6. (Note that in this case you probably want to use List.sum)

Examples continued

List.fold [1; 2; 3] ~initial:[] ~f:(List.cons) = [3; 2; 1]
let unique integers =
  List.fold integers ~initial:Set.Int.empty ~f:Set.add |> Set.to_list
unique [1; 1; 2; 3; 2] = [1; 2; 3]
let last_even integers =
  List.fold integers ~initial:None ~f:(fun last int ->
    if Int.is_even int then
      Some int
last_even [1;2;3;4;5] = Some 4
val fold_right : 'a t -> initial:'b -> f:('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b

This method is like fold except that it iterates over the elements of the list from last to first.


val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Creates a new list which is the result of appending the second list onto the end of the first.


let fourty_twos = List.repeat ~times:2 42 in
let eighty_ones = List.repeat ~times:3 81 in
List.append fourty_twos eighty_ones = [42; 42; 81; 81; 81];
val flatten : 'a t t -> 'a t

Concatenate a list of lists into a single list.


List.flatten [[1; 2]; [3]; [4; 5]] = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
val zip : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Combine two lists by merging each pair of elements into a Tuple2.

If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.

The same as List.map2 ~f:Tuple2.make.

Examples [1;2;3;4;5] ["Dog"; "Eagle"; "Ferret"] = [(1, "Dog"); (2, "Eagle"); (3, "Ferret")]
val map2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c t

Combine two lists, using f to combine each pair of elements.

If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.


List.map2 [1;2;3] [4;5;6] ~f:(+) = [5;7;9]
  ["alice"; "bob"; "chuck"]
  [3; 5; 7; 9; 11; 13; 15; 17; 19]
    = [("alice", 3); ("bob", 5); ("chuck", 7)]
val map3 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'd t

Combine three lists, using f to combine each trio of elements.

If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.


  ["alice"; "bob"; "chuck"]
  [2; 5; 7; 8;]
  [true; false; true; false] =
    [("alice", 2, true); ("bob", 5, false); ("chuck", 7, true)]


val partition : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t * 'a t

Split a list into a Tuple2 of lists. Values which f returns true for will end up in Tuple2.first.


List.partition [1;2;3;4;5;6] ~f:Int.is_odd = ([1;3;5], [2;4;6])
val split_at : 'a t -> index:int -> 'a t * 'a t

Divides a list into a Tuple2 of lists.

Elements which have index upto (but not including) index will be in the first component of the tuple.

Elements with an index greater than or equal to index will be in the second.

If index is zero or negative, all elements will be in the second component of the tuple.

If index is greater than the length of the list, all elements will be in the second component of the tuple.


List.split_at [1;2;3;4;5] ~index:2 = ([1;2], [3;4;5])
List.split_at [1;2;3;4;5] ~index:(-1) = ([], [1;2;3;4;5])
List.split_at [1;2;3;4;5] ~index:10 = ([1;2;3;4;5], 10)
val split_when : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t * 'a t

Divides a list into a Tuple2 at the first element where function f will return true.

Elements up to (but not including) the first element f returns true for will be in the first component of the tuple, the remaining elements will be in the second.


List.split_when [2; 4; 5; 6; 7] ~f:Int.is_even = ([2; 4], [5; 6; 7])
List.split_when [2; 4; 5; 6; 7] ~f:(Fun.constant false) = ([2; 4; 5; 6; 7], [])
val unzip : ('a * 'b) t -> 'a t * 'b t

Decompose a list of Tuple2 into a Tuple2 of lists.


List.unzip [(0, true); (17, false); (1337, true)] = ([0;17;1337], [true; false; true])


val for_each : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit

Iterates over the elements of invokes f for each element.

The function you provide must return unit, and the for_each call itself also returns unit.

You use List.for_each when you want to process a list only for side effects.


List.for_each [1; 2; 3] ~f:(fun int -> print (Int.to_string int))
val for_each_with_index : 'a t -> f:(int -> 'a -> unit) -> unit

Like for_each but f is also called with the elements index.


List.for_each_with_index [1; 2; 3] ~f:(fun index int -> printf "%d: %d" index int)
  0: 1
  1: 2
  2: 3
val intersperse : 'a t -> sep:'a -> 'a t

Places sep between all the elements of the given list.


List.intersperse ~sep:"on" ["turtles"; "turtles"; "turtles"] = ["turtles"; "on"; "turtles"; "on"; "turtles"]
List.intersperse ~sep:0 [] = []
val chunks_of : 'a t -> size:int -> 'a t t

Split a list into equally sized chunks.

If there aren't enough elements to make the last 'chunk', those elements are ignored.


List.chunks_of ~size:2 ["#FFBA49"; "#9984D4"; "#20A39E"; "#EF5B5B"; "#23001E"] =  [
  ["#FFBA49"; "#9984D4"];
  ["#20A39E"; "#EF5B5B"];
val sliding : ?step:int -> 'a t -> size:int -> 'a t t

Provides a sliding 'window' of sub-lists over a list.

The first sub-list starts at the head of the list and takes the first size elements.

The sub-list then advances step (which defaults to 1) positions before taking the next size elements.

The sub-lists are guaranteed to always be of length size and iteration stops once a sub-list would extend beyond the end of the list.


List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:1 = [[1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5]] 
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:2 = [[1;2]; [2;3]; [3;4]; [4;5]] 
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:3 = [[1;2;3]; [2;3;4]; [3;4;5]] 
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:2 ~step:2 = [[1;2]; [3;4]] 
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:1 ~step:3 = [[1]; [4]] 
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:2 ~step:3 = [[1; 2]; [4; 5]]
List.sliding [1;2;3;4;5] ~size:7 = []
val group_while : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t t

Divide a list into groups.

f is called with consecutive elements, when f returns false a new group is started.


List.group_while [1; 2; 3;] ~f:(Fun.constant false) = [[1]; [2]; [3]]
List.group_while [1; 2; 3;] ~f:(Fun.constant true) = [[1; 2; 3]]
  ["a"; "b"; "b"; "a"; "a"; "a"; "b"; "a"] =
    [["a"]; ["b"; "b"]; ["a"; "a"; "a";] ["b"]; ["a"]]
  ~f:(fun x y -> x mod 2 = y mod 2)
  [2; 4; 6; 5; 3; 1; 8; 7; 9] =
    [[2; 4; 6]; [5; 3; 1]; [8]; [7; 9]]


val join : string t -> sep:string -> string

Converts a list of strings into a String, placing sep between each string in the result.


List.join ["Ant"; "Bat"; "Cat"] ~sep:", " = "Ant, Bat, Cat"
val group_by : 'value t -> (module Tablecloth__.TableclothComparator.S with type identity = 'id and type t = 'key) -> f:('value -> 'key) -> ('key, 'value list, 'id) Base.Map.t

Collect elements which f produces the same key for.

Produces a map from 'key to a List of all elements which produce the same 'key.


let animals = ["Ant"; "Bear"; "Cat"; "Dewgong"] in
List.group_by animals (module Int) ~f:String.length |> Map.toList = [
  (3, ["Cat"; "Ant"]);
  (4, ["Bear"]);
  (7, ["Dewgong"]);
val to_array : 'a t -> 'a array

Converts a list to an Array.


val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool

Test two lists for equality using the provided function to test elements.

val compare : f:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int

Compare two lists using the f function to compare elements.

A shorter list is 'less' than a longer one.

Examples [1;2;3] [1;2;3;4] = -1 [1;2;3] [1;2;3] = 0 [1;2;5] [1;2;3] = 1

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