Module type
Class type
This module contains definitions that mirror the SyGuS Language Standard Version 2.1, which can be found at
type literal =
| LitNum of int
A numeral literal, which is either the digit 0 or a non-empty sequence of digits that does not being with 0.
*)| LitDec of float
A decimal number literal, which is syntactically <numeral>.0*<numeral>.
*)| LitBool of bool
A boolean literal is either true or false.
*)| LitHex of symbol
A hexadecimal is written with #x followed by a non empty sequence of characters A-F
and 0-9
| LitBin of bool list
A hexadecimal is written with #b followed by a non empty sequence of bits
*)| LitString of symbol
A string literal is any sequence of printable characters delimited by double quotes.
*)SyGuS literals.
type identifier =
| IdSimple of symbol
A simple identifier is a symbol.
*)| IdIndexed of symbol * index list
An indexed identifier is (_ <symbol> <identifier>)
*)| IdQual of symbol * sygus_sort
A qualified identifier is (as <symbol> <sort>)
*)An identifier can be simple, indexed or qualified.
and sygus_sort =
| SId of identifier
A simple sort with an identifier.
*)| SApp of identifier * sygus_sort list
A sort applied to arguments.
*)A sort is either its id, or a sort applied to other sort (polymorphism)
type sygus_term =
| SyId of identifier
| SyLit of literal
A literal.
*)| SyApp of identifier * sygus_term list
A function application.
*)| SyExists of sorted_var list * sygus_term
An existential quantifier.
*)| SyForall of sorted_var list * sygus_term
A universal quantifier.
*)| SyLet of binding list * sygus_term
A let-binding.
*)The type for sygus terms.
and sorted_var = symbol * sygus_sort
and binding = symbol * sygus_term
type command =
| CCheckSynth
The (check-synth)
command for synthesis.
| CAssume of sygus_term
The assume command.
*)| CConstraint of sygus_term
The constraint command to define a constraint with a term.
*)| CChcConstraint of sorted_var list * sygus_term * sygus_term
A command for specifying CHC constraints.
*)| CDeclareVar of symbol * sygus_sort
The declare command to declare a universally quantified variable.
*)| CDeclareWeight of symbol * attribute list
Declaration of weight attributes.
*)| CInvConstraint of symbol * symbol * symbol * symbol
The inv-constraint command to constraint an invariant.
*)| CSetFeature of feature * bool
The set-feature command.
*)| CSynthFun of symbol * sorted_var list * sygus_sort * grammar_def option
The synth-fun command to declare a function to synthesize. The grammar is optional.
*)| CSynthInv of symbol * sorted_var list * grammar_def option
The synth-inv command is a shortcut for synth-fun when the function to be synthesized returns a boolean. It is printed as synth-fun ... Bool if use_v1 is false.
*)| COptimizeSynth of sygus_term list * attribute list
Command for specifying optimization queries.
*)| CDeclareDataType of symbol * dt_cons_dec list
A datatype declaration with a name and constructor list.
*)| CDeclareDataTypes of sygus_sort_decl list * dt_cons_dec list list
A declaration for mutually recursive data types.
*)| CDeclareSort of symbol * int
A sort declaration
*)| CDefineFun of symbol * sorted_var list * sygus_sort * sygus_term
A function definition.
*)| CDefineSort of symbol * sygus_sort
A sort definition (renaming).
*)| CSetInfo of symbol * literal
Setting some solver option.
*)| CSetLogic of symbol
Setting the logic used.
*)| CSetOption of symbol * literal
Setting some solver option.
*)| COracle of oracle_command
All the oracle commands are grouped under COracle.
*)The SyGuS commands
and oracle_command =
| OAssume of sorted_var list * sorted_var list * sygus_term * symbol
Asert an oracle assumption.
*)| OConstraint of sorted_var list * sorted_var list * sygus_term * symbol
Assert and oracle constraint.
*)| ODeclareFun of symbol * sygus_sort list * sygus_sort * symbol
Declare an oracle functional symbol.
*)| OConstraintIO of symbol * symbol
Declare an input-output oracle.
*)| OConstraintCex of symbol * symbol
Declare a counterexample witness oracle.
*)| OConstraintMem of symbol * symbol
Declare a membership-query oracle.
*)| OConstraintPosw of symbol * symbol
Declare a positive witness oracle.
*)| OConstraintNegw of symbol * symbol
Declare a negative witness oracle.
*)| OCorrectness of symbol * symbol
Declare a correctness oracle.
*)| OCorrectnessCex of symbol * symbol
Declare a correctness oracle with counterexamples.
*)A different type is used to separate the oracle commands.
and sygus_sort_decl = symbol * int
A sort declaration is a name with an integer index.
and dt_cons_dec = symbol * sorted_var list
A datatype constructor with a name and named arguments.
and grammar_def = (sorted_var * grouped_rule_list) list
A grammar definition is a list of non-terminals together with their production rule. In SyGuS v2, the definition is printed by first declaring the non-terminals and then printing the rules. The first symbol is always assumed to be the start symbol.
and grouped_rule_list = sygus_gsterm list
and sygus_gsterm =
| GConstant of sygus_sort
A constant stands for any constant of a given sort.
*)| GTerm of sygus_term
A grammar term stands for a SyGuS term, which may contain non-terminals of the grammar.
*)| GVar of sygus_sort
A grammar var stands for any variable of a given sort.
*)A grammar term in SyGuS.
type program = command list
A program in SyGuS is a list of commands.
val reserved_words : symbol list
A list of reserved symbols, that may not be used as symbols.
val valid_ident : symbol -> bool
Returns true if the string is a valid identifier in SyGuS.
type solver_response =
| RSuccess of (symbol * sorted_var list * sygus_sort * sygus_term) list
A successful response comes with a list of implementations for the functions to synthesize.
*)| RInfeasible
A response indicating that the problem has no solution.
*)| RFail
A response indicating that the solver failed.
*)| RUnknown
A response indicating that the solver could not find a solution, with no guarantee about the feasibility of the problem.
*)The types of responses a solver can give.
val is_sat : solver_response -> bool
Returns true is the solver response is successful.
val is_failed : solver_response -> bool
Returns true if the solver response indicates failure.
val is_infeasible : solver_response -> bool
Returns true if the solver response indicates the problem is is infeasible