package stog_rdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

RDF Plugin. Handle <rdf*> nodes to create and RDF graphs.

module XR = Xtmpl.Rewrite
module X = Xtmpl.Xml
val module_name : string
val rc_file : Stog.Types.stog -> string
val keep_pcdata : XR.tree list -> string
module IMap = Iri.Map
type rdf_data = {
  1. out_file : string;
  2. graph_by_doc : Rdf.Graph.graph Stog.Path.Map.t;
  3. namespaces : (Iri.t * string) list option;
  4. loaded_graphs : Rdf.Graph.graph IMap.t;
  5. graph : (Rdf.Graph.graph * Rdf.Xml.global_state) option;
  6. dataset : Rdf.Ds.dataset option;
  7. final_graph : Rdf.Graph.graph option;
val empty_data : rdf_data
type source =
  1. | Src_file of string
  2. | Src_iri of Iri.t
  3. | Src_str of string
val string_of_source : source -> string
val rdf_iri : string -> Iri.t
val namespaces : rdf_data -> (Iri.t * string) list
val add_loaded_graph : rdf_data -> IMap.key -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> rdf_data
val get_loaded_graph : rdf_data -> IMap.key -> Rdf.Graph.graph
val load_graph : rdf_data -> ?doc:Stog.Types.doc -> IMap.key -> ?data:string -> (string * string) list -> rdf_data
val rule_load_graph : string -> Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'a -> ?loc:X.loc -> XR.attributes -> XR.tree list -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) * 'b list
module W = Ocf.Wrapper
val read_options : (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data
val init : 'a -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'b -> Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data
val fun_level_init : rdf_data Stog.Engine.level_fun
val build_ns_map : (IMap.key * string) list -> string IMap.t
val apply_namespaces : Rdf.Xml.SMap.key IMap.t -> Rdf.Xml.tree -> Rdf.Xml.tree
val set_dataset : rdf_data -> Rdf.Ds.dataset -> rdf_data
val dataset : ('a * rdf_data) -> ('a * rdf_data) * Rdf.Ds.dataset
val tag_of_string : string -> string * string
val get_rdf_resource : (Stog.Types.stog * 'a) -> (Stog.Types.stog * 'a) Stog.Plug.XR.env -> XR.attributes -> (Stog.Types.stog * 'a) * string option
val merge_cdata : XR.tree list -> XR.tree list
val atts_to_string : XR.attributes -> (X.Name_map.key * string) list
val map_to_rdf_xml_tree : XR.tree -> Rdf.Xml.tree
val map_to_xml_tree : Rdf.Xml.tree -> XR.tree
val prerr_atts : ((string * string) * string) list -> unit
val add_doc_graph : rdf_data -> Stog.Types.doc -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> rdf_data
val make_graph : (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) XR.env -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> Stog.Types.Doc_set.t -> Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data
val output_graph : 'a -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'b -> Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data
val rdf_string_of_term : Rdf.Term.term -> string
val string_of_term : Rdf.Term.term -> string
type query_spec = {
  1. query : string;
  2. tmpl : XR.tree list;
  3. separator : XR.tree list;
  4. args : XR.attributes;
val apply_select_sol : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> XR.tree list -> Rdf.Sparql.solution -> XR.tree list
val apply_select_sols : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> query_spec -> Rdf.Sparql.solution list -> XR.tree list
val read_select_query_from_atts : Stog.Types.stog -> Stog.Types.doc -> ?loc:Xtmpl.Xml.loc -> query_spec -> XR.tree list X.Name_map.t -> Stog.Types.stog * query_spec
val read_select_query_from_xmls : 'a -> 'b -> query_spec -> XR.tree list -> 'a * query_spec
val build_select_query : Stog.Types.stog -> Stog.Types.doc -> 'a -> ?loc:Xtmpl.Xml.loc -> XR.tree list X.Name_map.t -> XR.tree list -> Stog.Types.stog * query_spec
val exec_select : (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'a -> 'b -> query_spec -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) * XR.tree list
val fun_rdf_select : Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'a -> ?loc:X.loc -> XR.tree list X.Name_map.t -> XR.tree list -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) * XR.tree list
val rules_rdf_select : 'a -> Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> ((string * string) * ((Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'b -> ?loc:X.loc -> XR.tree list X.Name_map.t -> XR.tree list -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) * XR.tree list)) list
val rules_rdf_load : 'a -> Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> ((string * string) * ((Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) -> 'b -> ?loc:X.loc -> XR.attributes -> XR.tree list -> (Stog.Types.stog * rdf_data) * 'c list)) list
val level_funs : (string * rdf_data Stog.Engine.level_fun) list
val default_levels : int list Stog.Types.Str_map.t
val make_engine : ?levels:(string * int list) list -> unit -> (module Stog.Engine.Module)

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