package sqlgg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type insert_kind =
  1. | Values
  2. | Assign
val show_insert_kind : insert_kind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type inferred = (insert_kind * Sql.Schema.t) option

inferred inserted values to complete sql statement

val show_inferred : inferred -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type cardinality = [
  1. | `Zero_one
  2. | `One
  3. | `Nat

possible number of rows in query result

val show_cardinality : cardinality -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val cardinality_to_string : cardinality -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type kind =
  1. | Select of cardinality
  2. | Insert of inferred * Sql.table_name
  3. | Create of Sql.table_name
  4. | CreateIndex of string
  5. | Update of Sql.table_name option

    name for single-table UPDATEs

  6. | Delete of Sql.table_name
  7. | Alter of Sql.table_name list
  8. | Drop of Sql.table_name
  9. | CreateRoutine of string
  10. | Other
type category =
  1. | DDL
  2. | DQL
  3. | DML
  4. | DCL
  5. | TCL
  6. | OTHER
val show_category : category -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val min_category : int
val max_category : int
val category_to_enum : category -> int
val category_of_enum : int -> category option
val all_categories : category list
val category_of_stmt_kind : kind -> category

Innovation. Community. Security.