package spin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Sys end
val get_argv : unit -> string array

The command line arguments given to the process. The first element is the command name used to invoke the program. The following elements are the command-line arguments given to the program.

When running in JavaScript in the browser, it is [| "a.out" |].

get_argv is a function because the external function caml_sys_modify_argv can replace the array starting in OCaml 4.09.

val argv : string array

A single result from get_argv (). This value is indefinitely deprecated. It is kept for compatibility with Caml.Sys.

  • deprecated [since 2019-08] Use [Sys.get_argv] instead, which has the correct behavior when [caml_sys_modify_argv] is called.
val interactive : bool ref

interactive is set to true when being executed in the ocaml REPL, and false otherwise.

val os_type : string

os_type describes the operating system that the OCaml program is running on.

Its value is one of:

  • "Unix" (for all Unix versions, including Linux and macOS);
  • "Win32" (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with MSVC++ or MinGW); or
  • "Cygwin" (for MS-Windows, OCaml compiled with Cygwin)

When running in JavaScript, it is "Unix".

val unix : bool

unix is true if os_type = "Unix".

val win32 : bool

win32 is true if os_type = "Win32".

val cygwin : bool

cygwin is true if os_type = "Cygwin".

type backend_type = Caml.Sys.backend_type =
  1. | Native
  2. | Bytecode
  3. | Other of string

Currently, the official distribution only supports Native and Bytecode, but it can be other backends with alternative compilers, for example, JavaScript.

val backend_type : backend_type

Backend type currently executing the OCaml program.

val word_size_in_bits : int

word_size_in_bits is the number of bits in one word on the machine currently executing the OCaml program. Generally speaking it will be either 32 or 64. When running in JavaScript, it will be 32.

val int_size_in_bits : int

int_size_in_bits is the number of bits in the int type. Generally, on 32-bit platforms, its value will be 31, and on 64 bit platforms its value will be 63. When running in JavaScript, it will be 32. Int.num_bits is the same as this value.

val big_endian : bool

big_endian is true when the program is running on a big-endian architecture. When running in JavaScript, it will be false.

val max_string_length : int

max_string_length is the maximum allowed length of a string or Bytes.t. String.max_length is the same as this value.

val max_array_length : int

max_array_length is the maximum allowed length of an 'a array. Array.max_length is the same as this value.

val runtime_variant : unit -> string

Returns the name of the runtime variant the program is running on. This is normally the argument given to -runtime-variant at compile time, but for byte-code it can be changed after compilation.

When running in JavaScript or utop it will be "", while if compiled with DEBUG (debugging of the runtime) it will be "d", and if compiled with CAML_INSTR (instrumentation of the runtime) it will be "i".

val runtime_parameters : unit -> string

Returns the value of the runtime parameters, in the same format as the contents of the OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable. When running in JavaScript, it will be "".

val ocaml_version : string

ocaml_version is the OCaml version with which the program was compiled. It is a string of the form "major.minor[.patchlevel][+additional-info]", where major, minor, and patchlevel are integers, and additional-info is an arbitrary string. The [.patchlevel] and [+additional-info] parts may be absent.

val enable_runtime_warnings : bool -> unit

Controls whether the OCaml runtime system can emit warnings on stderr. Currently, the only supported warning is triggered when a channel created by open_* functions is finalized without being closed. Runtime warnings are enabled by default.

val runtime_warnings_enabled : unit -> bool

Returns whether runtime warnings are currently enabled.

val getenv : string -> string option

Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment. Return None if the variable is unbound or the process has special privileges, as determined by secure_getenv(3) on Linux.

val getenv_exn : string -> string
val opaque_identity : 'a -> 'a

For the purposes of optimization, opaque_identity behaves like an unknown (and thus possibly side-effecting) function. At runtime, opaque_identity disappears altogether. A typical use of this function is to prevent pure computations from being optimized away in benchmarking loops. For example:

for _round = 1 to 100_000 do
  ignore (Sys.opaque_identity (my_pure_computation ()))
val rand_digits : unit -> string
val mk_temp_dir : ?mode:Unix.file_perm -> ?dir:string -> string -> string
val ls_dir : ?recursive:bool -> string -> string List.t

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