package sexplib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Sexplib = Sexplib0
module Conv = Sexplib.Sexp_conv
include module type of struct include Type end
type t = Sexplib0.Sexp.t =
  1. | Atom of string
  2. | List of t list

Type of S-expressions

include module type of struct include Sexplib.Sexp end with type t := t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
exception Of_sexp_error of exn * t

Of_sexp_error (exn, sexp) the exception raised when an S-expression could not be successfully converted to an OCaml-value.


val message : string -> (string * t) list -> t

Helper to build nice s-expressions for error messages. It imitates the behavior of [%message ...] from the ppx_sexp_message rewriter.

message name key_values produces a s-expression list starting with atom name and followed by list of size 2 of the form (key value). When the key is the empty string, value is used directly instead as for [%message].

For instance the following code:

Sexp.message "error"
  [ "x", sexp_of_int 42
  ; "" , sexp_of_exn Exit

produces the s-expression:

(error (x 42) Exit)


val default_indent : int ref

default_indent reference to default indentation level for human-readable conversions.

Initialisation value: 2.

Pretty printing of S-expressions

val pp_hum : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_hum ppf sexp outputs S-expression sexp to formatter ppf in human readable form.

val pp_hum_indent : int -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_hum_indent n ppf sexp outputs S-expression sexp to formatter ppf in human readable form and indentation level n.

val pp_mach : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_mach ppf sexp outputs S-expression sexp to formatter ppf in machine readable (i.e. most compact) form.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Same as pp_mach.

Conversion to strings

val to_string_hum : ?indent:int -> t -> string

to_string_hum ?indent sexp converts S-expression sexp to a string in human readable form with indentation level indent.

  • parameter indent

    default = !default_indent

val to_string_mach : t -> string

to_string_mach sexp converts S-expression sexp to a string in machine readable (i.e. most compact) form.

val to_string : t -> string

Same as to_string_mach.


val of_float_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref
val of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref
module Private = Sexplib.Sexp.Private
include module type of struct include Private end
val size : Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> int * int
val buffer : unit -> Buffer.t
val to_buffer : buf:Buffer.t -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val to_buffer_hum : buf:Buffer.t -> ?indent:int -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val to_buffer_mach : buf:Buffer.t -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val to_buffer_gen : buf:'buffer -> add_char:('buffer -> char -> unit) -> add_string:('buffer -> string -> unit) -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val mach_maybe_esc_str : string -> string
val must_escape : string -> bool
val esc_str : string -> string
val compare_list : ('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val with_new_buffer : out_channel -> (Buffer.t -> 'a) -> unit
val output_hum : out_channel -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val output_hum_indent : int -> out_channel -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val output_mach : out_channel -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val output : out_channel -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
module Tmp_file : sig ... end
val save_of_output : ?perm:int -> (out_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'a -> unit
val output_sexp_nl : (out_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> out_channel -> 'a -> unit
val save_hum : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val save_mach : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val save : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t -> unit
val output_sexps_nl : (out_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> out_channel -> 'a list -> unit
val save_sexps_hum : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t list -> unit
val save_sexps_mach : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t list -> unit
val save_sexps : ?perm:int -> string -> Sexplib0__Sexp.t list -> unit
val scan_sexp : ?buf:Buffer.t -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Type.t
val scan_sexp_opt : ?buf:Buffer.t -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Type.t option
val scan_sexps : ?buf:Buffer.t -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Type.t list
val scan_rev_sexps : ?buf:Buffer.t -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Type.t list
val get_main_buf : Buffer.t option -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
val scan_fold_sexps : ?buf:Buffer.t -> f:('a -> Type.t -> 'a) -> init:'a -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a
val scan_iter_sexps : ?buf:Buffer.t -> f:(Type.t -> unit) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val scan_sexps_conv : ?buf:Buffer.t -> f:(Type.t -> 'a) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a list
module Annot : sig ... end
module Parse_pos : sig ... end
module Cont_state : sig ... end
type ('a, 't) parse_result =
  1. | Done of 't * Parse_pos.t
  2. | Cont of Cont_state.t * ('a, 't) parse_fun
and ('a, 't) parse_fun = pos:int -> len:int -> 'a -> ('a, 't) parse_result
type 't parse_state = {
  1. parse_pos : Parse_pos.t;
  2. mutable pstack : 't;
  3. pbuf : Buffer.t;
type parse_error = {
  1. location : string;
  2. err_msg : string;
  3. parse_state : [ `Sexp of t list list parse_state | `Annot of Annot.stack parse_state ];
exception Parse_error of parse_error
val bump_text_line : 'a parse_state -> unit
val bump_text_pos : 'a parse_state -> unit
val bump_pos_cont : 'a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> ('a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> 'd) -> 'd
val bump_line_cont : 'a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> ('a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> 'd) -> 'd
val add_bump : ('a parse_state -> 'b) -> 'a parse_state -> 'c -> max_pos:'d -> pos:int -> char -> ('a parse_state -> 'c -> max_pos:'d -> pos:int -> 'e) -> 'e
val add_bump_pos : 'a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> char -> ('a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> 'd) -> 'd
val add_bump_line : 'a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> char -> ('a parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> 'd) -> 'd
val set_parse_pos : Parse_pos.t -> int -> unit
val mk_parse_pos : 'a parse_state -> int -> Parse_pos.t
val raise_parse_error : [ `Annot of Annot.stack parse_state | `Sexp of t list list parse_state ] -> string -> int -> string -> 'a
val raise_unexpected_char : [ `Annot of Annot.stack parse_state | `Sexp of t list list parse_state ] -> string -> int -> char -> 'a
val mk_cont_parser : (pos:int -> len:int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'c -> 'a -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> 'b
module Safe_empty_parse : sig ... end
val parse_str : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, t) parse_result
val parse : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, t) parse_result
val get_glob_ofs : Parse_pos.t -> int -> int
val mk_annot_pos : Parse_pos.t -> int -> Annot.pos
val mk_annot_pos1 : Parse_pos.t -> int -> Annot.pos
val add_annot_pos : Annot.stack parse_state -> int -> unit
val add_annot_pos1 : Annot.stack parse_state -> int -> unit
val get_annot_range : Annot.stack parse_state -> int -> Annot.range
val mk_annot_atom : Annot.stack parse_state -> string -> int -> Annot.t
val mk_annot_list : Annot.stack parse_state -> Annot.t list -> int -> Annot.t
val init_annot_pstate : unit -> Annot.stack
val parse_str_annot : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_bigstring : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t -> (bigstring, t) parse_result
val bump_found_atom : (Annot.stack parse_state -> 'a) -> Annot.stack parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> (Annot.stack parse_state -> 'b -> max_pos:'c -> pos:int -> ('d, Annot.t) parse_result) -> ('d, Annot.t) parse_result
val check_str_bounds : string -> pos:int -> len:int -> bigstring -> int
val mk_cont_state : string -> ('a -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, 'b) parse_result) -> 'a -> cont_state:Cont_state.t -> (bigstring, 'b) parse_result
val mk_cont : string -> eof_safe:Safe_empty_parse.t -> (Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, 'a) parse_result) -> Annot.stack parse_state -> (bigstring, 'a) parse_result
val parse_nl : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_comment : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val maybe_parse_comment : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val maybe_parse_close_comment : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_sexp_comment : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_block_comment : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_atom : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val maybe_parse_bad_atom_pipe : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val maybe_parse_bad_atom_hash : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val reg_parse_quoted : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_quoted : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_escaped : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_skip_ws : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_skip_ws_nl : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_dec : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> count:int -> d:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_hex : Annot.stack parse_state -> bigstring -> max_pos:int -> pos:int -> count:int -> d:int -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val parse_bigstring_annot : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t -> (bigstring, Annot.t) parse_result
val mk_this_parse : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> (?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> pos:int -> len:'a -> 'b -> 'c
val feed_end_of_input : this_parse:(pos:int -> len:int -> 'a -> ('b, 'c) parse_result) -> ws_buf:'a -> ('c, Cont_state.t) result
val gen_input_sexp : (?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, 'a) parse_result) -> ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> in_channel -> 'a
val input_sexp : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> in_channel -> t
val gen_input_rev_sexps : (?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, 'a) parse_result) -> ws_buf:string -> ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?buf:bytes -> in_channel -> 'a list
val input_rev_sexps : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?buf:bytes -> in_channel -> t list
val input_sexps : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?buf:bytes -> in_channel -> t list
val of_string_bigstring : string -> (?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:'a -> 'b -> ('c, 'd) parse_result) -> 'c -> ('b -> 'e) -> ('b -> int -> 'e -> string) -> 'b -> 'd
val of_string : string -> t
val get_bstr_sub_str : (char, 'a, 'b) Bigarray.Array1.t -> int -> int -> string
val gen_load_rev_sexps : (?parse_pos:'a -> ?buf:'b -> in_channel -> 'c) -> ?buf:'b -> string -> 'c
val load_rev_sexps : ?buf:bytes -> string -> t list
val load_sexps : ?buf:bytes -> string -> t list
val gen_load_sexp_loc : string
val gen_load_sexp : (?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, 'a) parse_result) -> ?strict:bool -> ?buf:bytes -> string -> 'a
val load_sexp : ?strict:bool -> ?buf:bytes -> string -> t
module Annotated : sig ... end
val load_sexp_conv : ?strict:bool -> ?buf:bytes -> string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> [> `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'a ]
val raise_conv_exn : file:string -> [< `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'a ] -> 'a
val load_sexp_conv_exn : ?strict:bool -> ?buf:bytes -> string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val load_sexps_conv : ?buf:bytes -> string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> [> `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'a ] list
val load_sexps_conv_exn : ?buf:bytes -> string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> 'a list
val gen_of_string_conv : ('a -> Type.t) -> ('a -> Annotated.t) -> 'a -> (Type.t -> 'b) -> [> `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'b ]
val of_string_conv : string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> [> `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'a ]
val of_bigstring_conv : (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> [> `Error of exn * Annotated.t | `Result of 'a ]
module Of_string_conv_exn : sig ... end
val gen_of_string_conv_exn : ('a -> Type.t) -> 'a -> (Type.t -> 'b) -> 'b
val of_string_conv_exn : string -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val of_bigstring_conv_exn : (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t -> (Type.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val unit : t
val is_unit : t -> bool
val sexp_of_t : t -> t
val t_of_sexp : t -> t
type found = [
  1. | `Found
  2. | `Pos of int * found
type search_result = [
  1. | `Not_found
  2. | found
val search_physical : t -> contained:t -> [ `Found | `Not_found | `Pos of int * found ]
val subst_found : t -> subst:t -> [< `Found | `Pos of int * 'a ] as 'a -> t

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