package sexp_decode

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A library of monadic combinators for decoding S-expressions (as defined in the Csexp library) into structured data.

  • author Benoît Montagu <>
type sexp = Csexp.t =
  1. | Atom of string
  2. | List of sexp list

The type of S-expressions, as defined by the Csexp library

type 'a decoder

Type of decoders: a decoder of type 'a decoder decodes a list of S-expressions into a value of type 'a. A decoder contains a state of which S-expression is next available, and which ones should be processed later.

val run_list : 'a decoder -> sexp list -> 'a option

run_list d l tries to decode the list of S-expression l into a structure value, using the decoder d

val run : 'a decoder -> sexp -> 'a option

run d s tries to decode the S-expression s into a structure value, using the decoder d. This is the same as run_list d [s]

Monadic combinators

val return : 'a -> 'a decoder

return v is the constant decoder: it always returns the value v. It does not consume any part of the input.

val const : 'a -> 'a decoder

const v is the same as return v

val error : 'a decoder

error is the decoder that always fails

val fail_default : 'a -> 'b decoder -> 'a decoder

fail_default v d fails when d succeeds, and succeeds by returning v when d fails

val fail : 'a decoder -> unit decoder

fail d is the same as fail_default () d

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a decoder -> 'b decoder

map f d succeeds and returns f x when d succeeds and returns x. When d fails, map f d fails as well.

val (>>|) : 'a decoder -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b decoder

d >>| f is the same as map f d

val let+ : 'a decoder -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b decoder

let+ x = d in t is the same as map (fun x -> t) d

val bind : 'a decoder -> ('a -> 'b decoder) -> 'b decoder

Monadic bind: bind d f first decodes using d, and if d succeeds with a value v, then decoding is performed using f v.

val (>>=) : 'a decoder -> ('a -> 'b decoder) -> 'b decoder

d >>= f is the same as bind d f

val let* : 'a decoder -> ('a -> 'b decoder) -> 'b decoder

let* x = d in t is the same as bind d (fun x -> t)

val seq : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'b decoder

seq d1 d2 is the decoder that first decodes with d1, drops its result, and decodes using d2. Fails when d1 fails, and when d1 succeeds and d2 fails.

val (>>>) : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'b decoder

d1 >>> d2 is the same as seq d1 d2

val drop : 'a decoder -> unit decoder

drop d is the same as map (fun _ -> return ()) d

val (<<<) : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'a decoder

Same as seq d1 d2, but keeps the result of d1 and drops the result of d2

val or_else : 'a decoder -> 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

or_else d1 d2 first decodes with d1, and stops there if d1 succeeds. If d1 fails, then decoding with d2 is performed.

val (|+>) : 'a decoder -> 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

d1 |+> d2 is the same as or_else d1 d2

val first : 'a decoder list -> 'a decoder

first [d1; ... ; dn] selects the first decoder di that succeeds

val or_else_delayed : 'a decoder -> (unit -> 'a decoder) -> 'a decoder

or_else_delayed d1 (fun () -> d2) behaves the same as or_else d1 d2, with the difference that the evaluation of the second operand is delayed. This is useful when defining recursive decoders, when d2 refers to a recursive calls.

val (|+>>) : 'a decoder -> (unit -> 'a decoder) -> 'a decoder

d |+>> f is the same as or_else_delayed d f

Basic decoders

val raw : sexp decoder

raw accepts Atom s and List l, and returns that S-expression. Consumes one element.

val skip : unit decoder

skip accepts Atom s and List l, and returns (). Consumes one element.

val skip_all : unit decoder

skip_all accepts everything until no element is available anymore. Consomes 0 or more elements.

val atom : string decoder

atom accepts Atom s, and returns s. Consumes one element.

val no_more : unit decoder

no_more returns () when there is no more S-expression available. Consumones nothing.

val bool : bool decoder

bool accepts Atom "true" by returning true, and accepts Atom "false" by returning false. Consumes one element.

val int : int decoder

int accepts Atom s by returning the integer n denoted by the string s. Consumes one element.

val float : float decoder

int accepts Atom s by returning the float f denoted by the string s. Consumes one element.

val string : ?escaped:bool -> string decoder

string ~escaped accepts Atom s and returns s when escaped=false, or the unescaped interpretation of s when escaped=true. Default: escaped=false. Consumes one element.

val tag : string -> string decoder

tag name accepts Atom s when s = name, and returns s. Consumes one element.

Combinators for compound data

Basic combinators

val peek : 'a decoder -> 'a option decoder

peek d returns Some v if d succeeds with v, or returns None otherwise, and restores the state as it was before calling d. Consumes nothing.

val group : 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

group d accepts List l when d accepts l, and returns the result provided by d. Consumes one element.

val field : string -> 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

field name d recognizes List [Atom s; e1; ... ; en] where s = name and d recognizes [e1; ...; en]. Consumes one element.

val variant : (string * 'a decoder) list -> 'a decoder

variant cases accepts List [Atom name; e1; ...; en] such that (name, d) is found in the association list cases, and d accepts [e1; ...; en]. Only the first match for name is tried: the other ones are ignored.

val record : default:'a -> (string * ('a -> 'a) decoder) list -> 'a decoder

record ~default [(name1, d1); ...; (namen, dn)] recognizes List [List (Atom name'1 :: l'1); ...; List (Atom name'k :: l'k)] where for every name'i, there exists j such that name'i = namej, and l'i is accepted by dj. In case of success, the output value is fjn ( ... (fj1 default) ...) where the fjk are the values produced by djk.

The record combinator is useful to define decoders for records, in which fields may be given in any order. For every field, each decoder in the list produces a function that updates the corresponding field of the record. Each field entry is processed in the order in which they appear. Each field is optional.


# type t = { fst: int; snd: bool };;
type t = { fst : int; snd : bool; }

# let d =
  record ~default:{ fst = 0; snd = false }
    [ "fst", (let+ i = int in fun t -> { t with fst = i })
    ; "snd", (let+ b = bool in fun t -> { t with snd = b })
val d: t decoder = <abstr>

The decoder d will produce the following results:

# run d (List [List [Atom "fst"; Atom "42"]; List [Atom "snd"; Atom "true"]])
- : t option = Some {fst = 42; snd = true}

# run d (List [List [Atom "snd"; Atom "false"]; List [Atom "fst"; Atom "42"]]);;
- : t option = Some {fst = 42; snd = false}

# run d (List [List [Atom "snd"; Atom "true"]]);;
- : t option = Some {fst = 0; snd = true}

# run d (List [List [Atom "fst"; Atom "42"]]);;
- : t option = Some {fst = 42; snd = false}

# run d (List [List [Atom "fst"; Atom "42"]; List [Atom "fst"; Atom "43"]]);;
- : t option = Some {fst = 43; snd = false}
val fields : default:'a -> (string * ('a -> 'a) decoder) list -> 'a decoder

fields has the same behaviour as record, with the difference that the enclosing List [...] is not expected. In other words, record ~default fs = group (fields ~default fs).

val record_advanced : default:'a -> (string * [< `Required | `Unique ] list * ('a -> 'a) decoder) list -> 'a decoder

Same as record, but with the ability to specify whether fields are mandatory (i.e., they must appear at least once), or whether they are unique (i.e., they must appear at most once). Fields with an empty list of options may appear 0, 1 or more times.

val fields_advanced : default:'a -> (string * [< `Required | `Unique ] list * ('a -> 'a) decoder) list -> 'a decoder

fields_advanced has the same behaviour as record_advanced, with the difference that the enclosing List [...] is not expected. In other words, record_advanced ~default fs = group (fields_advanced ~default fs).

Combinators for tuples

val pair : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> ('a * 'b) decoder

pair d1 d2 decodes a pair: it first decodes using d1, then using d2 if d1 succeeds. The decoded result is (v1, v2), where v1 is returned by d1 and v2 is return by d2.

val (<*>) : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> ('a * 'b) decoder

d1 <*> d2 is the same as pair d1 d2

val tuple2 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> ('a * 'b) decoder

tuple2 d1 d2 is the same as pair d1 d2

val tuple3 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 3

val tuple4 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> 'd decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 4

val tuple5 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> 'd decoder -> 'e decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 5

val tuple6 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> 'd decoder -> 'e decoder -> 'f decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 6

val tuple7 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> 'd decoder -> 'e decoder -> 'f decoder -> 'g decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 7

val tuple8 : 'a decoder -> 'b decoder -> 'c decoder -> 'd decoder -> 'e decoder -> 'f decoder -> 'g decoder -> 'h decoder -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h) decoder

Similar to tuple2, but decodes tuples of length 8

Combinators for options and lists

val option : 'a decoder -> 'a option decoder

Decoder for the standard representation of options as S-expressions.

option d decodes List [] into None, and List [e] into Some v where the decoder d decodes e into v.

val list : 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

Decoder for the standard representation of lists as S-expressions.

list d decodes List [e1; ...; en] into the list [v1; ...; vn] where the decoder d decodes every element ei into a value vi.

val list1 : 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

Same as list, but for non-empty lists

Combinators for optional decoding

val maybe : 'a decoder -> 'a option decoder

maybe d produces Some v if d produces a value v, and None if d fails

val maybe_with_default : 'a -> 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

maybe_with_default default d produces v if d produces a value v, and returns the value default if d fails

Combinators for repetitions

val repeat_list : until:unit decoder -> 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

repeat_list ~until d recognizes e1; ...; en; f such that until recognizes f and such that d recognizes each ei. If di produces vi, then repeat_list ~until d produces the list v1; ... ; vn. d can succeed 0 or more times.

val repeat1_list : until:unit decoder -> 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

repeat1_list ~until d is similar to repeat_list ~until d, but forces that d succeeds at least once

val repeat_full_list : 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

repeat_full_list d is the same as repeat_list ~until:no_more d

val repeat1_full_list : 'a decoder -> 'a list decoder

repeat1_full_list d is the same as repeat1_list ~until:no_more d

val repeat : until:unit decoder -> unit decoder -> unit decoder

repeat ~until d is similar to repeat_list ~until d, but returns () instead of a list

val repeat1 : until:unit decoder -> unit decoder -> unit decoder

repeat1 ~until d is similar to repeat1_list ~until d, but returns () instead of a list

val repeat_fold_left : until:unit decoder -> init:'a -> ('a -> 'a) decoder -> 'a decoder

repeat_fold_left ~until ~init d recognizes e1; ...; en; f such that until recognizes f and such that d recognizes each ei. If di produces fi, then repeat_list ~until d produces the result of the expression fn (... (f1 init) ...). d can succeed 0 or more times.

val repeat_fold_right : until:unit decoder -> init:'a -> ('a -> 'a) decoder -> 'a decoder

repeat_fold_right ~until ~init d recognizes e1; ...; en; f such that until recognizes f and such that d recognizes each ei. If di produces fi, then repeat_list ~until d produces the result of the expression f1 (... (fn init) ...). d can succeed 0 or more times.

Higher-order combinators

val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a decoder -> 'a decoder

filter p d succeeds and returns v when d returns v and p v = true. Otherwise, filter p d fails.

val fix : ((unit -> 'a decoder) -> 'a decoder) -> 'a decoder

Fixpoint combinator: fix f is the decoder d such that d = f (fun () -> d)


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