package server-reason-react

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Impl (T : sig ... end) : sig ... end
include sig ... end
val asNode : t -> Dom.node
val childNodes : t -> Dom.nodeList
val firstChild : t -> Dom.node option
val innerText : t -> string
val setInnerText : t -> string -> unit
val lastChild : t -> Dom.node option
val nextSibling : t -> Dom.node option
val nodeName : t -> string
val nodeType : t -> Webapi__Dom__Types.nodeType
val nodeValue : t -> string option
val setNodeValue : t -> string Js.null -> unit
val ownerDocument : t -> Dom.document
val parentElement : t -> Dom.element option
val parentNode : t -> Dom.node option
val previousSibling : t -> Dom.node option
val rootNode : t -> Dom.node
val textContent : t -> string
val setTextContent : t -> string -> unit
val appendChild : 'a Dom.node_like -> t -> unit
val cloneNode : t -> t
val cloneNodeDeep : 'a -> t -> t
val compareDocumentPosition : 'a Dom.node_like -> t -> int
val contains : Dom.node -> t -> bool
val getRootNode : Dom.node -> t
val getRootNodeComposed : 'a -> t -> Dom.node
val hasChildNodes : bool -> t
val insertBefore : 'a Dom.node_like -> 'b Dom.node_like -> t -> 'a Dom.node_like
val isDefaultNamespace : string -> t -> bool
val isEqualNode : 'a Dom.node_like -> t -> bool
val isSameNode : 'a Dom.node_like -> t -> bool
val lookupNamespaceURI : string -> t -> string option
val lookupDefaultNamespaceURI : 'a -> t -> string option
val lookupPrefix : string -> t
val normalize : unit -> t
val removeChild : 'a Dom.node_like -> t -> 'a Dom.node_like
val replaceChild : 'a Dom.node_like -> 'b Dom.node_like -> 'b Dom.node_like
include sig ... end
val asEventTarget : t -> Dom.eventTarget
val addEventListener : string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addEventListenerWithOptions : string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addEventListenerUseCapture : string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeEventListener : string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeEventListenerWithOptions : string -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeEventListenerUseCapture : 'a -> (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val dispatchEvent : 'a Dom.event_like -> bool
val addLoadEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addLoadEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addLoadEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeLoadEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeLoadEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeLoadEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addUnloadEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addUnloadEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addUnloadEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeUnloadEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeUnloadEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeUnloadEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAbortEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAbortEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addAbortEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAbortEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAbortEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeAbortEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addErrorEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addErrorEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addErrorEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeErrorEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeErrorEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeErrorEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addSelectEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addSelectEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addSelectEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeSelectEventListener : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeSelectEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.event -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeSelectEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.event -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addBlurEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addBlurEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addBlurEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeBlurEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeBlurEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeBlurEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addFocusEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeFocusEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusInEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusInEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addFocusInEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusInEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusInEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeFocusInEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusOutEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addFocusOutEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addFocusOutEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusOutEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeFocusOutEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeFocusOutEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addClickEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addClickEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addClickEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeClickEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeClickEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeClickEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDblClickEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDblClickEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDblClickEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDblClickEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDblClickEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDblClickEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseDownEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseDownEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseDownEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseDownEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseDownEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseDownEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseEnterEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseEnterEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseEnterEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseEnterEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseEnterEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseEnterEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseMoveEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseMoveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseMoveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseMoveEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseMoveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseMoveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseOutEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseOutEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseOutEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOutEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOutEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOutEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseOverEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseOverEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseOverEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOverEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOverEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseOverEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseUpEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addMouseUpEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addMouseUpEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseUpEventListener : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeMouseUpEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeMouseUpEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addWheelEventListener : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addWheelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addWheelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeWheelEventListener : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeWheelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeWheelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.wheelEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addBeforeInputEventListener : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addBeforeInputEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addBeforeInputEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeBeforeInputEventListener : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeBeforeInputEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeBeforeInputEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addInputEventListener : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addInputEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addInputEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeInputEventListener : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeInputEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeInputEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.inputEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyDownEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyDownEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addKeyDownEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyDownEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyDownEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeKeyDownEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyUpEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyUpEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addKeyUpEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyUpEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyUpEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeKeyUpEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyPressEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addKeyPressEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addKeyPressEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyPressEventListener : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeKeyPressEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeKeyPressEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.keyboardEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionStartEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addCompositionStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionStartEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionUpdateEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionUpdateEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addCompositionUpdateEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionUpdateEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionUpdateEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionUpdateEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionEndEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addCompositionEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addCompositionEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionEndEventListener : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeCompositionEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.compositionEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEndEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEndEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEnterEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragEnterEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragEnterEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEnterEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragEnterEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragEnterEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragExitEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragExitEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragExitEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragExitEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragExitEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragExitEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragLeaveEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragLeaveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragLeaveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragLeaveEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragLeaveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragLeaveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragOverEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragOverEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragOverEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragOverEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragOverEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragOverEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragStartEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDragStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDragStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragStartEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDragStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDragStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDropEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addDropEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addDropEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDropEventListener : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeDropEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeDropEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.dragEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchCancelEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchCancelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addTouchCancelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchCancelEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchCancelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeTouchCancelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchEndEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addTouchEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchEndEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeTouchEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchMoveEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchMoveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addTouchMoveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchMoveEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchMoveEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeTouchMoveEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchStartEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addTouchStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addTouchStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchStartEventListener : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeTouchStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeTouchStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.touchEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationCancelEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationCancelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addAnimationCancelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationCancelEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationCancelEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationCancelEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationEndEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addAnimationEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationEndEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationEndEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationEndEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationIterationEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationIterationEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addAnimationIterationEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationIterationEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationIterationEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationIterationEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationStartEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addAnimationStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addAnimationStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationStartEventListener : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationStartEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeAnimationStartEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.animationEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
include sig ... end
val addSelectionChangeEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val addSelectionChangeEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; once : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val addSelectionChangeEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeSelectionChangeEventListener : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
val removeSelectionChangeEventListenerWithOptions : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> < capture : bool ; passive : bool > Js.t -> t -> unit
val removeSelectionChangeEventListenerUseCapture : (Dom.focusEvent -> unit) -> t -> unit
include sig ... end
val asHtmlElement : 'a
  • alert browser_only Since it's a [%mel.raw ...]. This expression is marked to only run on the browser where JavaScript can run. You can only use it inside a let%browser_only function.
val unsafeAsHtmlElement : t -> Dom.htmlElement
val ofNode : Dom.node -> t option
val attributes : t -> Dom.namedNodeMap
val classList : t -> Dom.domTokenList
val className : t -> string
val setClassName : t -> string -> unit
val clientHeight : t -> int
val clientLeft : t -> int
val clientTop : t -> int
val clientWidth : t -> int
val id : t -> string
val setId : t -> string -> unit
val innerHTML : t -> string
val setInnerHTML : t -> string -> unit
val localName : t -> string
val namespaceURI : t -> string option
val outerHTML : t -> string
val setOuterHTML : t -> string -> unit
val prefix : t -> string option
val scrollHeight : t -> int
val scrollLeft : t -> float
val setScrollLeft : t -> float -> unit
val scrollTop : t -> float
val setScrollTop : t -> float -> unit
val scrollWidth : t -> int
val shadowRoot : t -> Dom.element
val slot : t -> string
val setSlot : t -> string -> unit
val tagName : t -> string
val attachShadow : < mode : string > Js.t -> t -> Dom.shadowRoot
val attachShadowOpen : 'a -> t -> Dom.shadowRoot
val attachShadowClosed : 'a -> t -> Dom.shadowRoot
val animate : < .. > Js.t -> < .. > Js.t -> t -> Dom.animation
val closest : string -> t -> Dom.element option
val createShadowRoot : Dom.shadowRoot -> t
val getAttribute : string -> t -> string option
val getAttributeNS : string -> string -> t -> string option
val getBoundingClientRect : Dom.domRect -> t
val getClientRects : Dom.domRect array -> t
val getElementsByClassName : string -> t -> Dom.htmlCollection
val getElementsByTagName : string -> t -> Dom.htmlCollection
val getElementsByTagNameNS : string -> string -> t -> Dom.htmlCollection
val hasAttribute : string -> t -> bool
val hasAttributeNS : string -> string -> t -> bool
val hasAttributes : bool -> t
val insertAdjacentElement : Webapi__Dom__Types.insertPosition -> 'a Dom.element_like -> t -> unit
val insertAdjacentHTML : Webapi__Dom__Types.insertPosition -> string -> t -> unit
val insertAdjacentText : Webapi__Dom__Types.insertPosition -> string -> t -> unit
val matches : string -> t -> bool
val releasePointerCapture : Dom.eventPointerId -> t -> unit
val removeAttribute : string -> t -> unit
val removeAttributeNS : string -> string -> t -> unit
val requestFullscreen : unit -> t
val requestPointerLock : unit -> t
val scrollIntoView : unit -> t
val scrollIntoViewNoAlignToTop : 'a -> t -> unit
val scrollIntoViewWithOptions : < behavior : string ; block : string > Js.t -> t -> unit
val scrollBy : float -> float -> t -> unit
val scrollByWithOptions : < behavior : string ; left : float ; top : float > Js.t -> t -> unit
val scrollTo : float -> float -> t -> unit
val scrollToWithOptions : < behavior : string ; left : float ; top : float > Js.t -> t -> unit
val setAttribute : string -> string -> t -> unit
val setAttributeNS : string -> string -> string -> t -> unit
val setPointerCapture : Dom.eventPointerId -> t -> unit
val setOnClick : t -> (Dom.mouseEvent -> unit) -> unit
include sig ... end
type t_htmlElement = t
val ofElement : 'a
  • alert browser_only This expression is marked to only run on the browser where JavaScript can run. You can only use it inside a let%browser_only function.
val accessKey : t_htmlElement -> string
val setAccessKey : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val accessKeyLabel : t_htmlElement -> string
val contentEditable : t_htmlElement -> Webapi__Dom__Types.contentEditable
val setContentEditable : t_htmlElement -> Webapi__Dom__Types.contentEditable -> unit
val isContentEditable : t_htmlElement -> bool
val contextMenu : t_htmlElement -> Dom.htmlElement
val setContextMenu : t_htmlElement -> Dom.htmlElement -> unit
val dir : t_htmlElement -> Webapi__Dom__Types.dir
val setDir : t_htmlElement -> Webapi__Dom__Types.dir -> unit
val draggable : t_htmlElement -> bool
val setDraggable : t_htmlElement -> bool -> unit
val hidden : t_htmlElement -> bool
val setHidden : t_htmlElement -> bool -> unit
val itemScope : t_htmlElement -> bool
val setItemScope : t_htmlElement -> bool -> unit
val itemId : t_htmlElement -> string
val setItemId : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val itemValue : t_htmlElement -> < .. > Js.t
val setItemValue : t_htmlElement -> < .. > Js.t -> unit
val lang : t_htmlElement -> string
val setLang : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val offsetHeight : t_htmlElement -> int
val offsetLeft : t_htmlElement -> int
val offsetParent : t_htmlElement -> Dom.element option
val offsetTop : t_htmlElement -> int
val offsetWidth : t_htmlElement -> int
val spellcheck : t_htmlElement -> bool
val setSpellcheck : t_htmlElement -> bool -> unit
val setStyle : t_htmlElement -> Dom.cssStyleDeclaration -> unit
val tabIndex : t_htmlElement -> int
val setTabIndex : t_htmlElement -> int -> unit
val title : t_htmlElement -> string
val setTitle : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val translate : t_htmlElement -> bool
val setTranslate : t_htmlElement -> bool -> unit
val blur : unit -> t_htmlElement
val click : unit -> t_htmlElement
val focus : unit -> t_htmlElement
val focusPreventScroll : 'a -> t_htmlElement -> unit
val forceSpellCheck : unit -> t_htmlElement
val value : t_htmlElement -> string
val checked : t_htmlElement -> bool
val type_ : t_htmlElement -> string
val setType : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val rel : t_htmlElement -> string
val setRel : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit
val href : t_htmlElement -> string
val setHref : t_htmlElement -> string -> unit

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