package sel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Simple event library - No asymc monads, No threads, No exceptions

type 'a event
type 'a res = ('a, exn) result
type cancellation_handle
val cancel : cancellation_handle -> unit
val on_line : Unix.file_descr -> (string res -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle

System events one can wait for

val on_bytes : Unix.file_descr -> int -> (Bytes.t res -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle
val on_death_of : pid:int -> (Unix.process_status -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle
val on_ocaml_value : Unix.file_descr -> ('b res -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle
val on_httpcle : Unix.file_descr -> (Bytes.t res -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle
val on_queues : 'b Queue.t -> 'c Queue.t -> ('b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle

Synchronization events between components (worker pool and a task queue)

val on_queue : 'b Queue.t -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a event * cancellation_handle

A way to feed the event queue

val now : 'a -> 'a event

Mix regular computations with blocking event (reified)

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a event -> 'b event
val name : string -> 'a event -> 'a event

for debug printing

a recurrent event is never removed from the todo set, that is, when ready a copy of it is added back automatically

val make_recurring : 'a event -> 'a event

a recurrent event is never removed from the todo set, that is, when ready a copy of it is added back automatically

convenience adaptor to drop the cancellation handle

val uncancellable : ('a event * cancellation_handle) -> 'a event

convenience adaptor to drop the cancellation handle

it is unusual to make a regular computation cancellable, hence the event constructor does not recurn the cancellation handle. Here the way to recover it

val cancellation_handle : 'e event -> cancellation_handle

it is unusual to make a regular computation cancellable, hence the event constructor does not recurn the cancellation handle. Here the way to recover it

lower integers correspond to hight priorities (as in Unix nice)

val set_priority : int -> 'a event -> 'a event

lower integers correspond to hight priorities (as in Unix nice)

The main loop goes like this

type top_event = | NotForMe of Component.event | Echo of string

let echo : top_event event = on_line Unix.stdin (function | Ok s -> Echo s | Error _ -> Echo "error") |> uncancellable |> make_recurrent

let handle_event = function | NotForMe e -> (map (fun x -> NotForMe x)) (Component.handle_event e) | Echo text -> Printf.eprintf "echo: %s\n" text;

let rec loop evs = let ready, evs = pop evs in let new_evs = handle_event ready in loop (enqueue evs new_evs)

let main () = loop (enqueue empty echo; ...)

type 'a todo
val pp_todo : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a todo -> unit
val empty : 'a todo
val size : 'a todo -> int
val enqueue : 'a todo -> 'a event list -> 'a todo
val nothing_left_to_do : 'a todo -> bool
val only_recurring_events : 'a todo -> bool
val pop : 'a todo -> 'a * 'a todo

raises Failure if there is nothing left to do

val pop_opt : 'a todo -> 'a option * 'a todo
val pop_timeout : stop_after_being_idle_for:float -> 'a todo -> 'a option * 'a todo
val wait : 'a todo -> 'a list * 'a list * 'a list * 'a todo
val wait_timeout : stop_after_being_idle_for:float -> 'a todo -> 'a list * 'a list * 'a list * 'a todo

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