sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
On This Page
module Ref : sig ... end
module Pid : sig ... end
module Message : sig ... end
module Process : sig ... end
module Application : sig ... end
A Riot `Application` can be used to encapsulate functionality that must share the same lifecycle. For example, the `Riot.Logger` is an Application.
val random : unit -> Random.State.t
Returnts the current random state from a scheduler.
Suspends execution of the current process and returns control to the scheduler
sleep t
Suspends execution of the current process for at least `t` seconds. `t` is a float so it supports subsecond values: `0.001` is 1 millisecond.
val self : unit -> Pid.t
Returns the process identifier (pid) for the current process
val process_flag : Process.process_flag -> unit
val exit : Pid.t -> Process.exit_reason -> unit
Sends an exit signal to the process pid
, to exit with reason exit_reason
val send_by_name : name:string -> Message.t -> unit
Sends a message to a process registered with name
. If name
is not a valid destination for a message, this function raises an Invalid_destination name
val spawn : (unit -> unit) -> Pid.t
Spawns a new process.
val spawn_link : (unit -> unit) -> Pid.t
Spawns a new process and links it to the current process before returning.
exception Name_already_registered of string * Pid.t
val register : string -> Pid.t -> unit
register name pid
registers a process by a given name. The name will be uniquely associated to this process and attempting to register the same name twice will result in an exception Name_already_registered
being raised.
unregister name
frees a name and allows it to be re-registered. If the name was not registered before, this operation does nothing.
exception Link_no_process of Pid.t
val link : Pid.t -> unit
Links the current process and the process pid
Makes pid1
a monitor of pid2
When pid2
terminates, pid1
will receive a Processes.Messages.Monitor(Process_down(pid2))
`processes ()` will list all the processes currently alive.
val is_process_alive : Pid.t -> bool
Returns true if the process pid
is still alive.
val wait_pids : Pid.t list -> unit
Await all processes in the list to termimante.
receive ()
will return the first message in the process mailbox.
This function will suspend a process that has an empty mailbox, and the process will remain asleep until a message is delivered to it.
### Selective Receive
If a `ref` was passed, then `receive ref ()
` will skip all messages created before the creation of this `Ref.t` value, and will only return newer messages.
This is useful to skip the queue, but not remove any of the messages before it. Those messages will be delivered in-order in future calls to `receive ()`.
Gracefully shuts down the runtime. Any non-yielding process will block this.
val run : ?rnd:Random.State.t -> ?workers:int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
Start the Riot runtime using function main
to boot the system
val start :
?rnd:Random.State.t ->
?workers:int ->
apps:(module Application.Intf) list ->
unit ->
Start the Riot runtime with a series of applications.
Each application will be started in the same order as specified, and if any application fails to start up, the system will be shutdown.
Once the applications are started, they will all be monitored until they are all terminated. Only then will the runtime shutdown.
val trace_proc_run : (int -> Process.t -> unit) -> unit
module Gen_server : sig ... end
module Supervisor : sig ... end
module Telemetry : sig ... end
module Logger : sig ... end
module Fd : sig ... end
module IO : sig ... end
module File : sig ... end
module Net : sig ... end
module Timer : sig ... end
module Queue : sig ... end