Module type
Class type
Construct a new SERVER with given authentication mode and backend
module Auth = A
Authentication mode
module Backend = D
Backend mode
type command =
Backend.t ->
Backend.client ->
string ->
Hiredis.value array ->
Hiredis.value option Lwt.t
The signature of a command function
val create :
?auth:Auth.t ->
?default:command ->
?commands:(string * command) list ->
?host:string ->
?tls_config:Conduit_lwt_unix.tls_server_key ->
Conduit_lwt_unix.server ->
Backend.t ->
t Lwt.t
Create a new server instance. * * - auth sets the authentication * - default sets the default command handler * - commands sets the commands for the server * - host is the hostname of the server (ex * - tls_config configures ssl for the server - see conduit-lwt-unix for more inforation * - The server type is also inherited from Conduit, but typically you will use either * `TCP (`PORT $PORTNUMBER) or `Unix_domain_socket (`File $FILENAME)
val run :
?backlog:int ->
?timeout:int ->
?stop:unit Lwt.t ->
?on_exn:(exn -> unit) ->
t ->
unit Lwt.t
Run the server