package reparse

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Reparse is an easy to learn and use parser combinator library. It is designed to aid authoring recursive descent style parsers. It removes the tedium of having to maintain parser/lexer input buffer. It emphasises and enables monadic style of writing parsers. As such the parser uses error type to denote errors in parsing rather than the ocaml exception.


type error = [
  1. | `Msg of string

Parser error type.

type input = [
  1. | `String of string
  2. | `Bigstring of Bigstringaf.t

Represents parser input.

type (+'a, +'error) t

The main parser type.'a denotes the successful parse value while 'error denotes error raised by the parser.

val sexp_of_error : error -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val advance : int -> (unit, [> error ]) t

advance n advances parser by the given n number of characters. Always succeeds.

val end_of_input : (bool, [> error ]) t

end_of_input returns true if parser has reached end of input. Always succeeds.


val parse : input -> ('a, [> error ] as 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) result

parse input p executes parser p with input input.

Basic Parsers

val char : char -> (char, [> error ]) t

char c accepts character c from input exactly and returns it. Fails Otherwise.

val char_if : (char -> bool) -> (char option, [> error ]) t

char_if f accepts and returns a Some c if f c is true. Otherwise it returns None. Always succeeds.

val satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (char, [> error ]) t

satisfy f accepts a char c from input if f c is true and returns it. Otherwise it fails.

val peek_char : (char option, [> error ]) t

peek_char t returns a character at the current position in the parser. Always suceeds and returns None if EOF is reached.

val peek_char_fail : (char, [> error ]) t

Same as peek_char except the call fails if end of input is encountered.

val any_char : (char, [> error ]) t

any_char accepts any char and returns it. Fails if EOF reached.

val peek_string : int -> (string option, [> error ]) t

peek_string n attempts to match string of length n from input exactly and return it. If it isn't matched None is returned.

val string : string -> (string, [> error ]) t

string s accepts s exactly and returns it.

val skip_while : (char -> bool) -> (unit, [> error ]) t

skip_while f keeps accepting c if f c is true. c is discarded. Always succeeds.

val count_skip_while : (char -> bool) -> (int, [> error ]) t

count_skip_while f accepts characters from input while f c is true and records the count of times the input char was accepted. The accepted chars are discarded and the count is returned.

val count_skip_while_string : int -> (string -> bool) -> (int, [> error ]) t

count_skip_while_string n f accepts string s of length n if f s is true. The accepted string s is discarded and the count of times the string was accepted is noted. The count is then returned.

val take_while : (char -> bool) -> (string, [> error ]) t

take_while f keeps accepting character c from input while f c is true. It then concatenates the accepted characters and converts it into a string and returns it.

val take_while_n : int -> (char -> bool) -> (string, [> error ]) t

take_while_n n f similar in functionality to take_while. The parser however has a maximum upper bound n on the number of characters it accepts.


val ok : 'a -> ('a, [> error ]) t

ok v creates a new parser that always returns the constant v.

val fail : [> error ] as 'e -> (_, 'e) t

fail err creates a parser that always fails with err.


val (<|>) : ('a, 'error) t -> ('a, 'error) t -> ('a, 'error) t

p <|> q creates a parser that executes p and returns the result if it is successful. If false then it executes q and returns it.

val (>>=) : ('a, 'error) t -> ('a -> ('b, 'error) t) -> ('b, 'error) t

p >>= q executes p and if it succeeds executes q and returns it's result else it returns the result of executing p.

val (>>|) : ('a, 'error) t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'error) t

p >>| f executes p and then if it is successful returns a. It then executes f a and returns the result.

val (>>|?) : ('a, 'error) t -> ('error -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) t

p >>|? f executes p and maps error via f error if p results in error.

val (>>*?) : ('a, 'error) t -> 'f -> ('a, 'f) t

p >>*? e executes p and returns error e discarding error if p fails.

val (*>) : (_, 'error) t -> ('a, 'error) t -> ('a, 'error) t

p *> b is p >>= fun _ -> b

val (<*) : ('a, 'error) t -> (_, 'error) t -> ('a, 'error) t

p <* q discards result from q and returns p

val (*>|) : (_, 'error) t -> 'a -> ('a, 'error) t

p *>| a is p >>| fun _ -> a

val many : ('a, [> error ]) t -> ('a list, [> error ]) t

many p runs p zero or more times and returns a list of results from the runs of p.

val count_skip_many : ('a, [> error ]) t -> (int, [> error ]) t

count_skip_many p runs p zeor or more times

val line : (string option, [> error ]) t

line accepts and returns a line of input delimited by either \n or \r\n. Returns None if end of input is reached.


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