package reason

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Outcometree = Reason_omp.Ast_414.Outcometree
exception Ellipsis
val cautious : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit
val print_ident : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_ident -> unit
val parenthesized_ident : string -> bool
val value_ident : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val valid_float_lexeme : string -> string
val float_repres : float -> string
val parenthesize_if_neg : Format.formatter -> ('a -> 'b, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'c -> bool -> unit
val print_out_value : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_value -> unit
val print_list_init : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('d -> 'e) -> 'f -> 'g list -> unit
val print_list : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> ('c -> 'd) -> 'e -> 'f list -> unit
val pr_present : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val pr_vars : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
type label =
  1. | Nonlabeled
  2. | Labeled of string
  3. | Optional of string
val get_label : string -> label
val print_out_type : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit
val print_arg : Format.formatter -> (string * Outcometree.out_type) -> unit
val print_out_type_1 : uncurried:bool -> Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit
val print_out_type_2 : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit
val print_simple_out_type : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit
val print_object_fields : quote_fields:bool -> Format.formatter -> (string * Outcometree.out_type) list -> unit
val print_row_field : Format.formatter -> (string * bool * Outcometree.out_type list) -> unit
val print_typlist : (Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit) -> string -> Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type list -> unit
val print_out_wrap_type : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit
val print_typargs : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type list -> unit
val out_type : (Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type -> unit) ref
val variance : Reason_omp.Ast_414.Asttypes.variance -> string
val type_parameter : Format.formatter -> (string * (Reason_omp.Ast_414.Asttypes.variance * 'a)) -> unit
val print_out_class_params : Format.formatter -> (string * (Reason_omp.Ast_414.Asttypes.variance * 'a)) list -> unit
val print_out_class_type : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_class_type -> unit
val print_out_class_sig_item : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_class_sig_item -> unit
val is_rec_next : Outcometree.out_sig_item list -> bool
val print_out_functor : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_module_type -> unit
val print_out_module_type : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_module_type -> unit
val print_out_signature : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_sig_item list -> unit
val print_out_sig_item : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_sig_item -> unit
val print_out_type_decl : string -> Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type_decl -> unit
val print_out_constr : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_constructor -> unit
val print_out_label : Format.formatter -> (string * bool * Outcometree.out_type) -> unit
val print_out_extension_constructor : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_extension_constructor -> unit
val print_out_type_extension : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_type_extension -> unit
val print_out_exception : Format.formatter -> exn -> Outcometree.out_value -> unit
val print_items : Format.formatter -> (Outcometree.out_sig_item * Outcometree.out_value option) list -> unit
val print_out_phrase : Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_phrase -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.