package reason-standard

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A Map represents a unique mapping from keys to values.

Map is an immutable data structure which means operations like Map.add and Map.remove do not modify the data structure, but return a new map with the desired changes.

Since the usage is so common the Map.Int and Map.String modules are available, offering a convenient way to construct new Maps.

For other data types you can use Map.Poly which internally uses OCaml's polymorphic compare function on the keys.

The specialized modules Map.Int, Map.String are in general more efficient.

A collection of key-value pairs

type ('key, +'value, 'id) t
module Of (M : sig ... end) : sig ... end

This functor lets you describe the type of Maps a little more concisely.


A Map can be constructed using one of the functions available in Map.Int, Map.String or Map.Poly

val empty : (module Standard__.Core.Comparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

A map with nothing in it.

val singleton : (module Standard__.Core.Comparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> key:'key -> value:'value -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map from a key and value


Map.singleton (module Int) ~key:1 ~value:"Ant" |> Map.toList = [(1, "Ant")]
val ofArray : (module Standard__.Core.Comparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key * 'value) array -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map from an Array of key-value tuples

val ofList : (module Standard__.Core.Comparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key * 'value) list -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map of a List of key-value tuples

Basic operations

val add : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> value:'value -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Adds a new entry to a map. If key is allready present, its previous value is replaced with value.


  (Map.Int.ofList [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat")]) 
|> Map.toList = [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat"); (3, "Cat")]
Map.add (Map.Int.ofList [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat")]) ~key:2 ~value:"Bug" |> Map.toList = [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bug")]
val (.?{}<-) : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> 'key -> 'value -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

The index operator version of add

Note Currently this is only supported by the OCaml syntax.


let indexToAnimal = Map.Int.ofList [(1, "Ant");(2, "Bat");(3, "Cat")] in
let indexToAnimal = numbers.Map.?{4} <- "Dog" in
indexToAnimal.Map.?{4} = Some "Dog"
val remove : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> 'key -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Removes a key-value pair from a map based on they provided key.


let animalPopulations = Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
] in
Map.remove animalPopulations "Mosquito" |> Map.toList = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
val get : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> 'key -> 'value option

Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not present in the map, returns None.


let animalPopulations = Map.String.ofList ("Elephant", 3_156); ("Mosquito", 56_123_156); ("Rhino", 3); ("Shrew", 56_423); in Map.get animalPopulations "Shrew" = Some 56_423;

val (.?{}) : ('key, 'value, _) t -> 'key -> 'value option

The index operator version of Core.Map.get

Note Currently this is only supported by the OCaml syntax.


let indexToAnimal = Map.Int.ofList [(1, "Ant");(2, "Bat");(3, "Cat")] in
indexToAnimal.Map.?{3} = Some "Cat"
val update : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> f:('value option -> 'value option) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Update the value for a specific key using f. If key is not present in the map f will be called with None.


let animalPopulations = Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
] in

Map.update animalPopulations ~key:"Hedgehog" ~f:(fun population ->
  match population with
  | None -> Some 1
  | Some count -> Some (count + 1)
|> Map.toList = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Hedgehog", 1);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);


val isEmpty : (_, _, _) t -> bool

Determine if a map is empty.

val length : (_, _, _) t -> int

Returns the number of key-value pairs present in the map.


Map.Int.ofList [(1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.length = 2
val any : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for any values in a map.

val all : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for all values in a map.

val find : ('key, 'value, _) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> bool) -> ('key * 'value) option

Returns, as an Option the first key-value pair for which f evaluates to true.

If f doesn't return true for any of the elements find will return None.

Searches starting from the smallest key


Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.find ~f:(fun ~key ~value -> value > 10_000)
  = Some ("Mosquito", 56_123_156)
val includes : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key -> bool

Determine if a map includes key.

val minimum : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key option

Returns, as an Option, the smallest key in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.ofList [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.minimum = Some 1
val maximum : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key option

Returns the largest key in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.ofList [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")] 
|> Map.maximum = Some 8
val extent : ('key, _, _) t -> ('key * 'key) option

Returns, as an Option, a Tuple of the (minimum, maximum) keys in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.ofList [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.extent = Some (1, 8)


val merge : ('key, 'v1, 'id) t -> ('key, 'v2, 'id) t -> f:('key -> 'v1 option -> 'v2 option -> 'v3 option) -> ('key, 'v3, 'id) t

Combine two maps.

You provide a function f which is provided the key and the optional value from each map and needs to account for the three possibilities:

1. Only the 'left' map includes a value for the key. 2. Both maps contain a value for the key. 3. Only the 'right' map includes a value for the key.

You then traverse all the keys, building up whatever you want.


let animalToPopulation = 
  Map.String.ofList [
    ("Elephant", 3_156);
    ("Shrew", 56_423);
let animalToPopulationGrowthRate = Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 0.88);
  ("Squirrel", 1.2);
  ("Python", 4.0);
] in

  ~f:(fun _animal population growth ->
    match (Option.both population growth) with
    | Some (population, growth) -> 
        Some Float.((ofInt population) * growth)
    | None -> None
|> Map.toList
  = [("Elephant", 2777.28)]


val map : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('value -> 'b) -> ('key, 'b, 'id) t

Apply a function to all values in a dictionary.


Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> ~f:Int.toString
|> Map.toList
  = [
  ("Elephant", "3156");
  ("Shrew", "56423");
val mapI : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('key -> 'value -> 'b) -> ('key, 'b, 'id) t

Like map but f is also called with each values corresponding key

val filter : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Keep elements that f returns true for.


Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> ~f:(fun population -> population > 10_000)
|> Map.toList
  = [
  ("Shrew", "56423");
val partition : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t * ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Divide a map into two, the first map will contain the key-value pairs that f returns true for, pairs that f returns false for will end up in the second.


let (endangered, notEndangered) = Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.partition ~f:(fun population -> population < 10_000)

Map.toList endangered = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);

Map.toList notEndangered = [
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
val fold : ('key, 'value, _) t -> initial:'a -> f:('a -> key:'key -> value:'value -> 'a) -> 'a

Like Array.fold but f is also called with both the key and value


val forEach : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> unit) -> unit

Runs a function f against each value in the map.

val forEachI : ('key, 'value, _) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> unit) -> unit

Like Map.forEach except ~f is also called with the corresponding key


val keys : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key list

Get a List of all of the keys in a map.


Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.keys = [
val values : (_, 'value, _) t -> 'value list

Get a List of all of the values in a map.


Map.String.ofList [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.values = [
val toArray : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ('key * 'value) array

Get an Array of all of the key-value pairs in a map.

val toList : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ('key * 'value) list

Get a List of all of the key-value pairs in a map.

module Poly : sig ... end

Construct a Map which can be keyed by any data type using the polymorphic compare function.

module Int : sig ... end

Construct a Map with Ints for keys.

module String : sig ... end

Construct a Map with Strings for keys.


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