package reason-parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val rewrite : t -> t
val set_escape : Format.formatter -> ((string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit) -> unit
val set_escape_string : Format.formatter -> (string -> string) -> unit
val define_styles : Format.formatter -> [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None ] -> (Format.tag * style) list -> unit
val pp_open_xbox : Format.formatter -> list_param -> int -> unit
val extra_box : list_param -> t list -> (Format.formatter -> unit) * (Format.formatter -> unit)
val pp_open_nonaligned_box : Format.formatter -> list_param -> int -> t list -> unit
val open_tag : Format.formatter -> string option -> unit
val close_tag : Format.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
val tag_string : Format.formatter -> string option -> string -> unit
val fprint_t : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val fprint_list_body_stick_left : Format.formatter -> list_param -> string -> t -> t list -> unit
val fprint_list_body_stick_right : Format.formatter -> list_param -> string -> t -> t list -> unit
val fprint_opt_label : Format.formatter -> (t * label_param) option -> unit
val fprint_list : Format.formatter -> (t * label_param) option -> (string * string * string * list_param) -> t list -> unit
val fprint_list_stick_left : Format.formatter -> (t * label_param) option -> (string * string * string * list_param) -> t -> t list -> t list -> unit
val fprint_list_stick_right : Format.formatter -> (t * label_param) option -> (string * string * string * list_param) -> t -> t list -> t list -> unit
val fprint_list2 : Format.formatter -> (string * string * string * list_param) -> t list -> unit
val fprint_pair : Format.formatter -> (t * label_param) -> t -> unit
val to_formatter : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_buffer : ?escape: [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None None ] -> ?styles:(Format.tag * style) list -> Buffer.t -> t -> unit
val to_string : ?escape: [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None None ] -> ?styles:(Format.tag * style) list -> t -> string
val to_channel : ?escape: [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None None ] -> ?styles:(Format.tag * style) list -> Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit
val to_stdout : ?escape: [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None None ] -> ?styles:(Format.tag * style) list -> t -> unit
val to_stderr : ?escape: [< `Escape of (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> string -> int -> int -> unit | `Escape_string of string -> string | `None None ] -> ?styles:(Format.tag * style) list -> t -> unit

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