package rdbg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val cmxs_or_cma : string
val usage_msg : string
val print_usage : unit -> unit
type verbose_level = int
type program_kind =
  1. | SUT
  2. | Env
  3. | Oracle
type reactive_program =
  1. | Stdio of string
  2. | StdioInit of string
  3. | Sock of string * int
  4. | SockInit of string * int
  5. | Ocaml of RdbgPlugin.t
val program_kind_of_string : string -> program_kind
val program_kind_to_string : program_kind -> string
val reactive_program_to_string : reactive_program -> string
type t = {
  1. mutable _args : (string * Stdlib.Arg.spec * string) list;
  2. mutable _user_man : (string * string list) list;
  3. mutable _hidden_man : (string * string list) list;
  4. mutable suts : reactive_program list;
  5. mutable envs : reactive_program list;
  6. mutable oracles : reactive_program list;
  7. mutable step_nb : int;
  8. mutable draw_nb : int;
  9. mutable draw_inside : int;
  10. mutable draw_edges : int;
  11. mutable draw_vertices : int;
  12. mutable all_formula : bool;
  13. mutable all_vertices : bool;
  14. mutable luciole_mode : bool;
  15. mutable delay_env_outputs : bool;
  16. mutable display_sim2chro : bool;
  17. mutable display_gnuplot : bool;
  18. mutable precision : int;
  19. mutable verbose : verbose_level;
  20. mutable display_local_var : bool;
  21. mutable show_step : bool;
  22. mutable output : string;
  23. mutable overwrite_output : bool;
  24. mutable prompt : string option;
  25. mutable go : bool;
  26. mutable log : bool;
  27. mutable tmp_dir : string;
  28. mutable tmp_dir_provided : string option;
  29. mutable socket_inet_addr : string option;
  30. mutable socket_port : int option;
  31. mutable socket_err_port : int option;
  32. mutable debug_rdbg : bool;
  33. mutable rdbg : bool;
  34. mutable cov_file : string;
  35. mutable reset_cov_file : bool;
  36. mutable stop_on_oracle_error : bool;
  37. mutable icr : Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel;
  38. mutable ocr : Stdlib.Pervasives.out_channel;
  39. mutable ecr : Stdlib.Pervasives.out_channel;
  40. mutable _others : string list;
  41. mutable _margin : int;
val make_args : unit -> t
val args : t
val pspec : Stdlib.out_channel -> (string * string list) -> unit
val options : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val more_options : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val myexit : int -> 'a
val unexpected : string -> 'a
val file_notfound : string -> 'a
val parse_stdio_string : string -> reactive_program
val my_int_of_string : string -> int
val parse_sock_string : string -> reactive_program
val mkopt : t -> string list -> ?hide:bool -> ?arg:string -> Stdlib.Arg.spec -> string list -> unit
val mkoptab : t -> unit
val add_other : t -> string -> unit
val current : int Stdlib.ref
val first_line : string -> string
val parse : string array -> unit

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