package quickjs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

The RegExp object

type result

The result of a executing a RegExp on a string

val compile : flags:string -> string -> (t, [ `Unexpected_end | `Malformed_unicode_char | `Invalid_escape_sequence | `Nothing_to_repeat | `Unknown of string ] * string) result

Constructs a RegExp.t from a string describing a regex and their flags

val lastIndex : t -> int

returns the index where the next match will start its search

val setLastIndex : t -> int -> unit

sets the index at which the next match (RegExp.exec or RegExp.test) will start its search from

val flags : t -> string

returns the enabled flags as a string

val global : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the global flag (g) is set

val ignorecase : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the ignorecase (i) flag is set

val multiline : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the multiline (m) flag is set

val dotall : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the dot all (s) flag is set

val sticky : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the sticky (y) flag is set

val unicode : t -> bool

returns a bool indicating whether the unicode (u ) flag is set

val source : t -> string

returns the regexp pattern as a string

val test : t -> string -> bool

checks whether the given RegExp.t will match (or not match) a given string

val exec : t -> string -> result

executes a search on a given string using the given RegExp.t

val captures : result -> string array

an array of the match and captures

val input : result -> string

the original input string

val index : result -> int

sets the index at which the next match (RegExp.exec or RegExp.test) will start its search from


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