package psmt2-frontend

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ty = {
  1. id : int;
  2. mutable desc : desc;
and desc =
  1. | TDummy
  2. | TInt
  3. | TReal
  4. | TBool
  5. | TString
  6. | TArray of ty * ty
  7. | TBitVec of int
  8. | TFloatingPoint of int * int
  9. | TRoundingMode
  10. | TSort of string * ty list
  11. | TDatatype of string * ty list
  12. | TVar of string
  13. | TFun of ty list * ty
val cpt_ty : int ref
val new_type : desc -> ty
val to_string : ty -> string
module IMap : sig ... end
module SMap : sig ... end
val shorten : ty -> ty
val fun_ret : ty -> ty
val is_bool : ty -> bool
val is_dummy : ty -> bool
val get_dt_name : ty -> string
val inst : ty SMap.t -> ty IMap.t -> ty -> ty IMap.t * ty
val subst : ty IMap.t -> ty -> ty
val unify : ty -> ty -> (Lexing.position * Lexing.position) option -> unit

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