package preface

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An Arrow is an abstract view of computation sitting between Applicative and Monad. Arrow is built on the top of Category and Strong. So an Arrow is also a Category.


To have a predictable behaviour, the instance of Arrow must obey some laws.

  1. All Category laws
  2. arrow id = id
  3. arrow (g % f) = arrow f >>> arrow g
  4. fst (arrow f) = arr (fst f)
  5. fst (f >>> g) = fst f >>> fst g
  6. fst f >>> arrow (fun (x,y) -> (x,g y)) = arrow (fun (x,y) -> (x,g y)) >>> fst f
  7. fst f >>> arrow Stdlib.fst = arrow Stdlib.fst >>> f
  8. fst (fst f) >>> arrow assoc = arrow assoc >>> fst f

Minimal definition

module type WITH_ARROW = sig ... end

Exposes the arrow function, mandatory for each requirement.

module type WITH_ARROW_AND_FST = sig ... end

Minimal definition using fst.

module type WITH_ARROW_AND_SPLIT = sig ... end

Minimal definition using split.

Structure anatomy

module type CORE = sig ... end

Basis operations.

module type OPERATION = sig ... end

Additional operations.

module type ALIAS = sig ... end

Aliases of some operations functions.

module type INFIX = sig ... end

Infix operators.

Complete API

module type API = sig ... end

The complete interface of an Arrow.

Additional references