package preface

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Operation of Env comonad parametrized over an inner comonad and env.

type env

The encapsulated environment.

type 'a comonad

The inner comonad.

type 'a t = env * 'a comonad

The type held by the env comonad.

val lower : 'a t -> 'a comonad

get the underlying comonad.

val run : 'a t -> env * 'a comonad

Unwrap the env computation.

val ask : 'a t -> env

Retreives the environment.

val asks : (env -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b

Retreives the environment and apply a function.

val local : (env -> env) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Modifies the environment using the specified function.

module Local (Env : Types.T0) : sig ... end

Perform local with an other environment.