package prbnmcn-cgrph

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Cgraph: a simple library for incremental computation


The API exposed by Cgraph allows to construct a DAG where nodes hold functions. Users describe computations using this API; the library ensures that upon change of input, only the minimal amount of computation has to be performed to update the output. See the work by Umut Acar et al, and others for more details.


We illustrate the library by considering the toy problem of evaluating an arithmetic expression. We consider a very simple data type, with just addition and negation. Variables are represented by strings and we'll use a string map to represent the environment in which the expression is evaluated.

module String_map = Map.Make (String)

type expr = Var of string | Add of expr * expr | Neg of expr

In the rest, we'll consider the following expression, corresponding to (a + b) - (c + d).

let expr = Add (Add (Var "a", Var "b"), Neg (Add (Var "c", Var "d")))

In order to trace the evaluation of the naive vs incrementalized evaluators, we instrument addition and negation with printfs.

let ( + ) x y =
  Format.printf "%d + %d@." x y ;
  x + y

let ( - ) x =
  Format.printf "- %d@." x ;

The Non_incremental module defines a straightforward evaluator for our small language and evaluates it, changing the value of the variable "a" the second time.

let env l = String_map.of_seq (List.to_seq l)

module Non_incremental = struct
  let () = Format.printf "Non incremental computation@."

  let rec eval (env : int String_map.t) expr =
    match expr with
    | Var s -> String_map.find s env
    | Add (l, r) -> eval env l + eval env r
    | Neg e -> -eval env e

  let () = Format.printf "First evaluation@."

  let () =
    assert (eval (env [("a", 1); ("b", 2); ("c", 3); ("d", 4)]) expr = -4)

  let () = Format.printf "Second evaluation@."

  let () =
    assert (eval (env [("a", 3); ("b", 2); ("c", 3); ("d", 4)]) expr = -2)

Evaluating this piece of code prints the following:

    Non incremental computation
    First evaluation
    3 + 4
    1 + 2
    3 + -7
    Second evaluation
    3 + 4
    3 + 2
    5 + -7

Let's reiterate the experiment, using the library.

module Incremental = struct
  let () = Format.printf "Incremental computation@."

  open Cgraph

  let rec eval (env : int t String_map.t) expr =
    match expr with
    | Var s -> String_map.find s env
    | Add (l, r) -> map2 (eval env l) (eval env r) ( + )
    | Neg e -> map (eval env e) ( ~- )

  let (a, b, c, d) = (Var.create 1, Var.create 2, Var.create 3, Var.create 4)

  let graph =
    eval (env [("a", var a); ("b", var b); ("c", var c); ("d", var d)]) expr

  let () = Format.printf "First evaluation@."

  let () = assert (get graph = -4)

  let () = Var.set a 3

  let () = Format.printf "Second evaluation@."

  let () = assert (get graph = -2)

Here, instead of evaluating the expession, Incremental.eval builds a graph with inputs the variables a,b,c,d and output the node graph. We force the evaluation of a node by calling Cgraph.get on that node. This triggers the recursive evaluation of all and only the nodes which are not up to date.

Evaluating this piece of code prints the following:

    Incremental computation
    First evaluation
    1 + 2
    3 + 4
    3 + -7
    Second evaluation
    3 + 2
    5 + -7

Notice how the node that didn't need to be recomputed wasn't!

API documentation

type !'a t

The type of nodes.

type undo_info

undo_info holds information useful to perform limited backtracking of certain computations. See undo.

module Var : sig ... end

Var is the module type of variables, which are the simplest kind of input nodes available to users.

module Gen : sig ... end

Gen is the module type of generators, which are the second kind of input nodes available to users. These correspond to streams of values.

val var : 'a Var.t -> 'a t

Inject a variable as a node.

val gen : 'a Gen.t -> 'a t

Inject a generator as a node.

val get : ?u:undo_info -> 'a t -> 'a

get n computes the current value associated to n. This might recursively trigger the recomputation of all currently invalidated node on which n depends.

val return : 'a -> 'a t

return x is a node that holds the constant value x. Can never be invalidated.

val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

map n f is a node whose value is equal to f applied to the value of n.

val map2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c t

map2 n1 n2 f is a node whose value is equal to f applied to the values of n1 and n2.

val map3 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'd t

See map2.

val map_array : 'a t array -> ('a array -> 'b) -> 'b t

See map2.

val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

bind m f allows to construct graphs dynamically. Use only if you really need it, as this induces the extra overhead of garbage collecting nodes.

val if_ : bool t -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

if c t f constructs a node whose value is equal to that of t if c has value true, or that of f in the other case.

val on_update : 'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Attach an arbitrary callback to a node, to be called when the value in the node is updated.

val undo : undo_info -> unit

undo allows to revert the underlying state of a value after having performed a call to Var.set_with_undo followed by a call to get. Note that some side-effects that cannot be observed by the user might not be reverted.

Interleaving other calls to the public API might result in undefined behaviour.

This must be considered an unsafe feature: use at your own peril.

module Infix : sig ... end

Infix operators, for convenience.

type ex

Existentially packed nodes. Not useful to end users.

val ex : 'a t -> ex
module Internal : sig ... end

Functions useful for debugging.


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