package ppxx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Path end
type t = Path.t =
  1. | Pident of Ident.t
  2. | Pdot of t * string
  3. | Papply of t * t
val same : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val find_free_opt : Ident.t list -> t -> Ident.t option
val exists_free : Ident.t list -> t -> bool
val scope : t -> int
val flatten : t -> [ `Contains_apply | `Ok of Ident.t * string list ]
val name : ?paren:(string -> bool) -> t -> string
val head : t -> Ident.t
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val heads : t -> Ident.t list
val last : t -> string
val is_uident : string -> bool
type typath = Path.typath =
  1. | Regular of t
  2. | Ext of t * string
  3. | LocalExt of Ident.t
  4. | Cstr of t * string
val constructor_typath : t -> typath
val is_constructor_typath : t -> bool
module Map = Path.Map
module Set = Path.Set
val format : Utils.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val format_verbose : Utils.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Prints also stamp integers


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