package ppx_regexp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Regexp end
type 'a t = 'a node Location.loc
and 'a node =
  1. | Code of 'a
  2. | Seq of 'a t list
  3. | Alt of 'a t list
  4. | Opt of 'a t
  5. | Repeat of (int * int option) Location.loc * 'a t
  6. | Nongreedy of 'a t
  7. | Capture of 'a t
  8. | Capture_as of string Location.loc * 'a t
  9. | Call of Longident.t Location.loc
val parse_exn : ?pos:Stdlib.Lexing.position -> string -> string t
val bindings : 'a node Ppxlib.Location.loc -> int * (string Location.loc * int option * bool) list
val to_string : string node Ppxlib.Location.loc -> string

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