package ppx_import

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Tt : sig ... end
val lazy_env : Env.t lazy_t
val string_of_lid : Longident.t -> string
val try_find_module : loc:Location.t -> Ocaml_common.Env.t -> Longident.t -> Types.module_type option
val try_find_module_type : loc:Location.t -> Ocaml_common.Env.t -> Longident.t -> Types.module_type option
val try_open_module_type : Ocaml_common.Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Types.signature option
val try_get_tsig_item : ('a -> 'b -> 'c option) -> loc:'d -> 'e list -> 'f -> 'g option
val get_type_decl : loc:'a -> Types.signature_item list -> Longident.t -> string -> Types.type_declaration
val get_modtype_decl : loc:'a -> Types.signature_item list -> Longident.t -> string -> Types.modtype_declaration
val longident_of_path : Path.t -> Longident.t
val mknoloc : 'a -> 'a0 Ppxlib.Location.loc
val core_type_of_type_expr : subst:([> `Lid of Longident.t | `Var of string ] * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> Ocaml_common.Types.type_expr -> Ppxlib.core_type
val ptype_decl_of_ttype_decl : manifest:Ppxlib.core_type option -> subst:([> `Lid of Longident.t | `Var of string ] * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> string Ppxlib.loc -> Ocaml_common.Types.type_declaration -> Ppxlib.type_declaration
val subst_of_manifest : Ppxlib.core_type -> ([> `Lid of Ppxlib.longident ] * Ppxlib.core_type) list
val uncapitalize : string -> string
val is_self_reference : input_name:string -> Ppxlib.longident -> bool
val type_declaration : tool_name:string -> input_name:string -> Ppxlib.type_declaration -> Ppxlib.type_declaration
val cut_tsig_block_of_rec_types : (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration) list -> Ppx_import__.Compat.signature_item_407 list -> (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration) list * Ppx_import__.Compat.signature_item_407 list
val psig_of_tsig : subst:([> `Lid of Longident.t | `Var of string ] * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> Ppx_import__.Compat.signature_item_407 list -> Ppxlib.signature_item list
val module_type : tool_name:string -> input_name:string -> Ppxlib.package_type -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.module_type
val type_declaration_extension : Ppxlib.Extension.t
val module_declaration_extension : Ppxlib.Extension.V3.t
val type_declaration_rule : Ppxlib.Context_free.Rule.t
val module_declaration_rule : Ppxlib.Context_free.Rule.t

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