package ppx_deriving_madcast

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Main access point

val derive : Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression

madcast ty returns an annotated casting function of type ty. ty must be an arrow type.

  • Raise Invalid_argument "split_arrow" if ty is not an arrow type,
  • Raise NoCastFound if no casting function can be derived,
  • Raise SeveralCastsFound if more than one casting function can be derived and none of them has a stronger priority.


exception NoCastFound

Exception raised when no cast can be derived for two types

exception SeveralCastsFound

Exception raised when more than cast can be derived for two types

Lower-level access points

val find_caster : Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression

Given an input type itype and an output type otype, returns a casting function of type itype -> otype.

  • Raise NoCastFound if no casting function can be derived,
  • Raise SeveralCastsFound if more than one casting function can be derived and none of them has a stronger priority.
val split_arrow : Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type * Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type

split_arrow ty returns the domain and co-domain of an arrow type.

  • Raise Invalid_argument "split_arrow" if ty is not an arrow type
val annotate : Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression

annotate expr ty returns a let expression of the form let (e : ty) = expr in e


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