You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type t = int
Type of indices
type gen
Type of index generators
module Set : module type of Ptset
Efficient sets of indices
module Map : Stdlib.Map.S with type key = t
Efficient maps of indices
val start : gen
The start state of the index generator
val next_ix : gen -> t
next_ix gen
the next index that generator gen will produce.
val next : gen -> t * gen
next gen
the tuple of (new_ix, new_gen), where new_ix is the next index and new_gen the next state of the index generator.
(new_ix, new_gen)
val remove_ix : gen -> t -> gen
remove_ix gen ix
an updated index generator which is guaranteed to never return index ix or any other previously returned index.
val int_of_ix : t -> int
int_of_ix ix converts index ix to an integer.
int_of_ix ix
if index out of range for machine integers.