package plebeia

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

Type of handle

val empty_cursor : t -> Plebeia__.Cursor.cursor
val roots : t -> Roots.t
val context : t -> Plebeia__.Context.t
val create : ?context_pos:int64 -> ?context_length:int -> ?hashcons:Hashcons.config -> string -> t
val open_ : mode:Plebeia__.Storage.mode -> ?context_pos:int64 -> ?hashcons:Hashcons.config -> string -> t
val close : t -> unit
val checkout : t -> Roots.RootHash.t -> Plebeia__.Cursor.cursor option
val commit : ?allow_missing_parent:bool -> ?override:bool -> Plebeia__.Bud_cache.t -> t -> parent:Roots.RootHash.t option -> meta:string -> ?hash_override:Roots.RootHash.t -> Plebeia__.Cursor.cursor -> Plebeia__.Cursor.cursor * Hash.t

Commit a hash. If override is false (by default), hash collision fails the function. If it is true, it overwrites the hash.


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