package plebeia

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

1 Zipper

type Error.t +=
  1. | Write of string

2 Types: Trail and cursor

type modified =
  1. | Modified
type trail = private
  1. | Top
  2. | Budded of trail * modified
  3. | Extended of trail * Segment.t * modified

A trail represents the content of the memory stack when recursively exploring a tree. Constructing these trails from closure would be easier, but it would make it harder to port the code to C. The type parameters of the trail keep track of the type of each element on the "stack" using a product type.

The constructors are private. Use '_' prefixed functions with runtime invariant checks.

type cursor
type t = cursor

2 Constructor with invariant checks

val _Top : trail
val _Left : (trail * Plebeia__.Node.node * modified) -> trail
val _Right : (Plebeia__.Node.node * trail * modified) -> trail
val _Budded : (trail * modified) -> trail
val _Extended : (trail * Segment.t * modified) -> trail
val _Cursor : (trail * Plebeia__.Node.node * Plebeia__.Context.t) -> cursor

2 Creation

val empty : Plebeia__.Context.t -> t

Creates a cursor to a new, empty tree.

2 Accessors

val context : t -> Plebeia__.Context.t
val index : t -> Plebeia__.Index.t option

Get the index of the node pointed by the cursor, if indexed.

2 Segments

val segs_of_trail : trail -> Segment.t list

Segment side list of the given trail, splitted by buds

val segs_of_cursor : t -> Segment.t list

Segment side list of the given cursor, splitted by buds

val local_seg_of_trail : trail -> Segment.t

Segment side list of the given trail, splitted by buds

val local_seg_of_cursor : t -> Segment.t

Segment side list of the given cursor, splitted by buds

2 View

val view : t -> t * Plebeia__.Node.view

Get the view of the cursor. Returns also the updated cursor with the view.

val may_forget : t -> t option

If the node pointed by the cursor is indexed, forget the details

2 Zipper functions

type access_result =
  1. | Empty_bud
  2. | Middle_of_extender of cursor * Segment.t * Segment.t * Segment.t

Result of access_gen

type Error.t +=
  1. | Access of access_result
  2. | Move of string
val error_access : access_result -> ('a, Error.t) Result.t

Make an access result into an error

3 Simple 1 step cursor movement

val go_below_bud : t -> (t option, Error.t) Result.t

This function expects a cursor positionned on a bud and moves it one step below.

val go_down_extender : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Go down an Extender node. The cursor must point to an Extender.

val go_side : Segment.side -> t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Go down an Internal node. The cursor must point to an Internal.

val go_up : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Go up one level

3 Complex multi step cursor movement

Many of these functions fail when the given cursor does not point to a bud.

val access_gen : t -> Segment.t -> (access_result, Error.t) Result.t

Follow a segment. t must point to a bud. The function first go below the bud, then follow the segment.

val access_gen' : t -> Segment.t -> (access_result, Error.t) Result.t

Follow a segment. t can be any node.

val go_top : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Move up to the top

val go_up_to_a_bud : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Moves the cursor back to the bud above. Note that this is not like "cd ../".

If the cursor is already at a bud, it does not move it. This is super confusing. Do not use this function.

  • deprecated Use go_up_to_bud, which has better semantics
val go_up_to_bud : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Moves the cursor back to the bud above. Note that this is not like "cd ../".

If the cursor is already at a bud, the cursor will move to its parent bud.

val parent : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Moves the cursor back to the bud above. Like "cd ../". The cursor must point to a bud otherwise parent fails.

val subtree : t -> Segment.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Moves the cursor down a segment, to the root of a sub-tree. Think "cd segment/"

val create_subtree : t -> Segment.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Create a subtree (bud). Think "mkdir segment". The cursor does NOT move from the original position.

val subtree_or_create : t -> Segment.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Same as subtree but create a subtree if not exists

val get : t -> Segment.t -> (t * [ `Leaf of Plebeia__.Node.view | `Bud of Plebeia__.Node.view ], Error.t) Result.t

Gets a value if present in the current tree at the given segment.

val get_value : t -> Segment.t -> (t * Value.t, Error.t) Result.t

Gets a value or a bud at the given segment.

val insert : t -> Segment.t -> Value.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Inserts a value at the given segment in the current tree. The cursor does NOT move from the original position.

val upsert : t -> Segment.t -> Value.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Upserts. This can still fail if the segment leads to a subtree. The cursor does NOT move from the original position.

val update : t -> Segment.t -> Value.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Update. A value must be bound at the segment.

val delete : t -> Segment.t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Delete a leaf or subtree. The cursor does NOT move from the original position.

val remove_empty_bud : t -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

Remove the empty Bud pointed by the cursor. If the non-root parent becomes empty by the removal, remove_empty_bud recursively removes it, too. If the cursor points non empty bud, it does nothing.

The cursor in the result points to the parent bud of the upmost removed bud.

val alter : t -> Segment.segment -> (Plebeia__.Node.view option -> (Plebeia__.Node.node, Error.t) Result.t) -> (t, Error.t) Result.t

alter can easily break the invariants.

val fold : init:'acc -> t -> ('acc -> t -> [< `Continue | `Exit | `Up ] * 'acc) -> 'acc

Folding over the node tree. The function can choose the node traversal from the given cursor: either continuing into its sub-nodes, not traversing its sub-nodes, or quit the entire folding.

If a node is shared at multiple places it is visited MORE THAN ONCE. If you want to avoid visiting a shared node at most once, carry a set of visited nodes by indices and check a node is visited or not.

val traverse : 'a -> t list -> ('a -> t -> [< `Exit | `Up | `Continue ] * 'a) -> 'a * t list

More generic tree traversal than fold, which has a step-by-step visitor interface: it does not recurse the structure by itself.

If a node is shared at multiple places it is visited MORE THAN ONCE.

2 Statistics

val stat : t -> Stat.t

2 Debug

val dot_of_cursor_ref : (t -> string) Stdlib.ref

Placeholder of Graphviz rendering of cursors


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