package pkcs11-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An element of type t is a structure made of a pointer to a C array, and its length.

The reason we use this type is that some PKCS#11 functions require a two step interraction, in which one first gives a null pointer (with length 0) to a function, which modifies the length of the list. Then, the user allocates memory for this list, and performs a second call to the function.

type t
val create : unit -> t

create () allocates a new t with length 0, and content the null pointer.

val allocate : t -> unit

allocate t updates the content of the t structure to point to freshly allocated memory.

type u = P11_mechanism_type.t list
val make : u -> t
val view : t -> u
val get_length_addr : t -> P11_ulong.t Ctypes.ptr

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