package phylogenetics

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type node_info = {
  1. name : string option;
and branch_info = {
  1. length : float option;
  2. tags : tag list;
and tag = string * string
type t =
  1. | Tree of tree
  2. | Branch of branch
type error_desc = {
  1. offset : int;
  2. line : int;
  3. column : int;
  4. msg : string;
val string_of_error_desc : error_desc -> string
type error = [
  1. | `Newick_parser_error of error_desc
val mkerror : Lexing.lexbuf -> string -> [> `Newick_parser_error of error_desc ]
val string_of_error : [< `Newick_parser_error of error_desc ] -> string

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