package patricia-tree

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Hash-consed version of HETEROGENEOUS_SET. See Hash-consed maps and sets for the differences between hash-consed and non hash-consed sets.

This is a generative functor, as calling it creates a new hash-table to store the created nodes, and a reference to store the next unallocated identifier. Maps/sets from different hash-consing functors (even if these functors have the same arguments) will have different (incompatible) numbering systems and be stored in different hash-tables (thus they will never be physically equal).

  • since v0.10.0



include HETEROGENEOUS_SET with type 'a elt = 'a Key.t
type 'a elt = 'a Key.t

Elements of the set

module BaseMap : HETEROGENEOUS_MAP with type 'a key = 'a elt and type (_, _) value = unit

Underlying basemap, for cross map/set operations

type t = unit BaseMap.t

The type of our set

type 'a key = 'a elt

Alias for elements, for compatibility with other PatriciaTrees

type any_elt =
  1. | Any : 'a elt -> any_elt

Existential wrapper for set elements.

Basic functions

val empty : t

The empty set

val is_empty : t -> bool

is_empty st is true if st contains no elements, false otherwise

val mem : 'a elt -> t -> bool

mem elt set is true if elt is contained in set, O(log(n)) complexity.

val add : 'a elt -> t -> t

add elt set adds element elt to the set. Preserves physical equality if elt was already present. O(log(n)) complexity.

val singleton : 'a elt -> t

singleton elt returns a set containing a single element: elt

val cardinal : t -> int

the size of the set (number of elements), O(n) complexity.

val is_singleton : t -> any_elt option

is_singleton set is Some (Any elt) if set is singleton elt and None otherwise.

val remove : 'a elt -> t -> t

remove elt set returns a set containing all elements of set except elt. Returns a value physically equal to set if elt is not present.

val unsigned_min_elt : t -> any_elt

The minimal element if non empty, according to the unsigned order on elements.

val unsigned_max_elt : t -> any_elt

The maximal element if non empty, according to the unsigned order on elements.

val pop_unsigned_minimum : t -> (any_elt * t) option

pop_unsigned_minimum s is Some (elt, s') where elt = unsigned_min_elt s and s' = remove elt s if s is non empty. Uses the unsigned order on elements.

val pop_unsigned_maximum : t -> (any_elt * t) option

pop_unsigned_maximum s is Some (elt, s') where elt = unsigned_max_elt s and s' = remove elt s if s is non empty. Uses the unsigned order on elements.

Functions on pairs of sets

val union : t -> t -> t

union a b is the set union of a and b, i.e. the set containing all elements that are either in a or b.

val inter : t -> t -> t

inter a b is the set intersection of a and b, i.e. the set containing all elements that are in both a or b.

val disjoint : t -> t -> bool

disjoint a b is true if a and b have no elements in common.

val subset : t -> t -> bool

subset a b is true if all elements of a are also in b.

val split : 'a elt -> t -> t * bool * t

split elt set returns s_lt, present, s_gt where s_lt contains all elements of set smaller than elt, s_gt all those greater than elt, and present is true if elt is in set. Uses the unsigned order on elements.

val diff : t -> t -> t

diff s1 s2 is the set of all elements of s1 that aren't in s2.

  • since v0.11.0
val min_elt_inter : t -> t -> any_elt option

min_elt_inter s1 s2 is unsigned_min_elt of inter s1 s2, but faster as it does not require computing the whole intersection. Returns None when the intersection is empty.

  • since v0.11.0
val max_elt_inter : t -> t -> any_elt option

max_elt_inter s1 s2 is unsigned_max_elt of inter s1 s2, but faster as it does not require computing the whole intersection. Returns None when the intersection is empty.

  • since v0.11.0


type polyiter = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a elt -> unit;
val iter : polyiter -> t -> unit

iter f set calls f.f on all elements of set, in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.

type polypredicate = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a elt -> bool;
val filter : polypredicate -> t -> t

filter f set is the subset of set that only contains the elements that satisfy f.f. f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.

val for_all : polypredicate -> t -> bool

for_all f set is true if f.f is true on all elements of set. Short-circuits on first false. f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.

type 'acc polyfold = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a elt -> 'acc -> 'acc;
val fold : 'acc polyfold -> t -> 'acc -> 'acc

fold f set acc returns f.f elt_n (... (f.f elt_1 acc) ...), where elt_1, ..., elt_n are the elements of set, in increasing unsigned order of KEY.to_int

type polypretty = {
  1. f : 'a. Format.formatter -> 'a elt -> unit;
val pretty : ?pp_sep:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) -> polypretty -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty prints the set, pp_sep is called once between each element, it defaults to Format.pp_print_cut

Conversion functions

val to_seq : t -> any_elt Seq.t

to_seq st iterates the whole set, in increasing unsigned order of KEY.to_int

val to_rev_seq : t -> any_elt Seq.t

to_rev_seq st iterates the whole set, in decreasing unsigned order of KEY.to_int

val add_seq : any_elt Seq.t -> t -> t

add_seq s st adds all elements of the sequence s to st in order.

val of_seq : any_elt Seq.t -> t

of_seq s creates a new set from the elements of s.

val of_list : any_elt list -> t

of_list l creates a new set from the elements of l.

val to_list : t -> any_elt list

to_list s returns the elements of s as a list, in increasing unsigned order of KEY.to_int

Hash-consing specific operations

val to_int : t -> int

Returns the hash-consed id of the map. Unlike NODE_WITH_ID.to_int, hash-consing ensures that maps which contain the same keys (compared by KEY.to_int) and values (compared by HASHED_VALUE.polyeq) will always be physically equal and have the same identifier.

Note that when using physical equality as HASHED_VALUE.polyeq, some maps of different types a t and b t may be given the same identifier. See the end of the documentation of HASHED_VALUE.polyeq for details.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Constant time equality using the hash-consed nodes identifiers. This is equivalent to physical equality. Two nodes are equal if their trees contain the same bindings, where keys are compared by KEY.to_int and values are compared by HASHED_VALUE.polyeq.

val compare : t -> t -> int

Constant time comparison using the hash-consed node identifiers. This order is fully arbitrary, but it is total and can be used to sort nodes. It is based on node ids which depend on the order in which the nodes where created (older nodes having smaller ids).

One useful property of this order is that child nodes will always have a smaller identifier than their parents.


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