package owl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Owl_fft_generic end
Basic functions

``fft ~axis x`` performs 1-dimensional FFT on a complex input. ``axis`` is the highest dimension if not specified. The return is not scaled.

``ifft ~axis x`` performs inverse 1-dimensional FFT on a complex input. ``axis`` is the highest dimension by default.

``rfft ~axis ~otyp x`` performs 1-dimensional FFT on real input along the ``axis``. ``otyp`` is used to specify the output type, it must be the consistent precision with input ``x``. You can skip this parameter by using a submodule with specific precision such as ``Owl.Fft.S`` or ``Owl.Fft.D``.

val irfft : ?axis:int -> ?n:int -> otyp:(float, 'a) Owl_dense_ndarray_generic.kind -> (Complex.t, 'b) Owl_dense_ndarray_generic.t -> (float, 'a) Owl_dense_ndarray_generic.t

``irfft ~axis ~n x`` is the inverse function of ``rfft``. Note the ``n`` parameter is used to specified the size of output.

``fft2 x`` performs 2-dimensional FFT on a complex input. The return is not scaled.

``ifft2 x`` performs inverse 2-dimensional FFT on a complex input.


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