package owi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type externref
type ref_value =
  1. | Funcref of Func_intf.t option
  2. | Externref of externref option
include Value_intf.T with type ref_value := ref_value with type vbool = Smtml.Expr.t and type int32 = Smtml.Expr.t and type int64 = Smtml.Expr.t and type float32 = Smtml.Expr.t and type float64 = Smtml.Expr.t
type vbool = Smtml.Expr.t
type int32 = Smtml.Expr.t
type int64 = Smtml.Expr.t
type float32 = Smtml.Expr.t
type float64 = Smtml.Expr.t
type t =
  1. | I32 of int32
  2. | I64 of int64
  3. | F32 of float32
  4. | F64 of float64
  5. | Ref of ref_value
val const_i32 : Int32.t -> int32
val const_i64 : Int64.t -> int64
val const_f32 : Float32.t -> float32
val const_f64 : Float64.t -> float64
val ref_func : Func_intf.t -> t
val ref_externref : 'a Type.Id.t -> 'a -> t
val ref_is_null : ref_value -> vbool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Ref : sig ... end
module F32 : sig ... end
module F64 : sig ... end
module I32 : sig ... end
module I64 : sig ... end
module Bool : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.