package owi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Interpret_intf.P with type Env.t = Concrete_value.Func.extern_func Link_env.t and type Module_to_run.t = Concrete_value.Func.extern_func Link.module_to_run and type 'a Choice.t = 'a and module Value = V
type thread
module Value = V
module Choice : Choice_intf.Base with module V := Value with type 'a t = 'a
val select : Value.vbool -> if_true:Value.t -> if_false:Value.t -> Value.t Choice.t
module Extern_func : Func_intf.T_Extern_func with type int32 := Value.int32 and type int64 := Value.int64 and type float32 := Value.float32 and type float64 := Value.float64 and type 'a m := 'a Choice.t
module Global : sig ... end
module Table : sig ... end
module Memory : sig ... end
module Data : sig ... end
module Elem : sig ... end
module Env : sig ... end
module Module_to_run : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.