package owi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val symbolic : string -> < string_indices : Types.yes.. > Types.indice
val raw : int -> < .. > Types.indice
val bt_ind : < raw_bt : Types.yes.. > as 'a Types.indice -> 'a Types.block_type
val bt_raw : 'b as 'a Types.indice option -> ('a Types.param_type * 'a Types.result_type) -> 'a Types.block_type
type global = {
  1. typ : Types.text Types.global_type;
  2. init : Types.text Types.expr;
  3. id : string option;
val pp_global : Format.formatter -> global -> Unit.t
type data_mode =
  1. | Data_passive
  2. | Data_active of Types.text Types.indice option * Types.text Types.expr
val pp_data_mode : Format.formatter -> data_mode -> Unit.t
type data = {
  1. id : string option;
  2. init : string;
  3. mode : data_mode;
val pp_data : Format.formatter -> data -> Unit.t
type elem_mode =
  1. | Elem_passive
  2. | Elem_active of Types.text Types.indice option * Types.text Types.expr
  3. | Elem_declarative
val pp_elem_mode : Format.formatter -> elem_mode -> Unit.t
type elem = {
  1. id : string option;
  2. typ : Types.text Types.ref_type;
  3. init : Types.text Types.expr list;
  4. mode : elem_mode;
val pp_elem_expr : Format.formatter -> 'a Types.expr -> Unit.t
val pp_elem : Format.formatter -> elem -> Unit.t
type module_field =
  1. | MType of Types.text Types.rec_type
  2. | MGlobal of global
  3. | MTable of Types.text Types.table
  4. | MMem of Types.mem
  5. | MFunc of Types.text Types.func
  6. | MElem of elem
  7. | MData of data
  8. | MStart of Types.text Types.indice
  9. | MImport of Types.text Types.import
  10. | MExport of Types.text Types.export
val pp_module_field : Format.formatter -> module_field -> Unit.t
type modul = {
  1. id : string option;
  2. fields : module_field list;
val pp_modul : Format.formatter -> modul -> unit
type action =
  1. | Invoke of string option * string * Types.text Types.const list
  2. | Get of string option * string
val pp_action : Format.formatter -> action -> unit
type result_const =
  1. | Literal of Types.text Types.const
  2. | Nan_canon of Types.nn
  3. | Nan_arith of Types.nn
val pp_result_const : Format.formatter -> result_const -> unit
type result =
  1. | Result_const of result_const
  2. | Result_extern_ref
  3. | Result_func_ref
val pp_result : Format.formatter -> result -> unit
val pp_result_bis : Format.formatter -> result -> unit
val pp_results : Format.formatter -> result list -> unit
type assertion =
  1. | Assert_return of action * result list
  2. | Assert_trap of action * string
  3. | Assert_trap_module of modul * string
  4. | Assert_malformed of modul * string
  5. | Assert_malformed_quote of string list * string
  6. | Assert_malformed_binary of string list * string
  7. | Assert_invalid of modul * string
  8. | Assert_invalid_quote of string list * string
  9. | Assert_invalid_binary of string list * string
  10. | Assert_exhaustion of action * string
  11. | Assert_unlinkable of modul * string
val pp_strings : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val pp_assertion : Format.formatter -> assertion -> unit
type register = string * string option
val pp_register : Format.formatter -> (string * 'a) -> unit
type cmd =
  1. | Module of modul
  2. | Assert of assertion
  3. | Register of string * string option
  4. | Action of action
val pp_cmd : Format.formatter -> cmd -> unit
type script = cmd list
val pp_script : Format.formatter -> cmd list -> unit

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