package owee

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type type_attribute = private
  1. | Notype
  2. | Object
  3. | Func
  4. | Section
  5. | File
  6. | Common
  7. | TLS
  8. | GNU_ifunc
  9. | Other of int
type binding_attribute = private
  1. | Local
  2. | Global
  3. | Weak
  4. | GNU_unique
  5. | Other of int
type visibility = private
  1. | Default
  2. | Internal
  3. | Hidden
  4. | Protected
val name : t -> String_table.t -> string option
val value : t -> Stdlib.Int64.t

For avoidance of doubt, when t is a function symbol, value returns the address of the top of the function.

val size_in_bytes : t -> Stdlib.Int64.t
val type_attribute : t -> type_attribute
val binding_attribute : t -> binding_attribute
val visibility : t -> visibility
val section_header_table_index : t -> int

Innovation. Community. Security.