package ounit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Build worker based runner.

type message_to_worker =
  1. | Exit
  2. | AckLock of bool
  3. | RunTest of OUnitTest.path
val string_of_message_to_worker : message_to_worker -> string
type message_from_worker =
  1. | AckExit
  2. | Log of OUnitTest.log_event_t
  3. | Lock of int
  4. | Unlock of int
  5. | TestDone of OUnitTest.result_full * OUnitTest.result_list
val string_of_message_from_worker : message_from_worker -> string
module MapPath : sig ... end
type map_test_cases = (OUnitTest.path * OUnitTest.test_length * (OUnitTest.ctxt -> unit)) MapPath.t
type ('a, 'b) channel = {
  1. send_data : 'a -> unit;
  2. receive_data : unit -> 'b;
  3. close : unit -> unit;
val wrap_channel : string -> ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c, 'd) channel -> ('c, 'd) channel
val main_worker_loop : yield:(unit -> 'a) -> shard_id:string -> worker_log_file:bool -> OUnitConf.conf -> worker_channel -> map_test_cases -> unit
type 'a worker = {
  1. channel : (message_to_worker, message_from_worker) channel;
  2. close_worker : unit -> string option;
  3. select_fd : 'a;
  4. shard_id : string;
  5. is_running : unit -> bool;
type 'a worker_creator = shard_id:string -> master_id:string -> worker_log_file:bool -> OUnitConf.conf -> map_test_cases -> 'a worker
type 'a workers_waiting_selector = timeout:float -> 'a worker list -> 'a worker list

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