You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type ('a, 'b) tag =
| Parsed of 'a * 'b option
| Failed of 'b option
| Empty
type ('stream, 'b, 'c) result = ('b * 'stream, 'c) tag
exception Retry
val emptyResult : ('a, 'b) tag
val failWith : 'a -> ('b, 'a) tag
module K : sig ... end
type ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) k = ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) K.t
type ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) parser = 'stream -> ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) k -> ('stream, 'b, 'c) result
type ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) parser' = ('a, 'stream, 'b, 'c) k -> ('stream, 'b, 'c) result
val bind : (('a -> 'b -> ('c * 'd, 'e) tag) -> 'f) -> ('a -> 'b -> ('g * 'd, 'e) tag) -> ('g -> [< `Fail of 'e | `Ok of 'c ]) -> 'f