package ortac-qcheck-stm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Cfg = Config
val ty_default : Ppxlib.core_type_desc
val pat_default : Ppxlib__.Import.pattern
val exp_default : Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val res_default : Ident.t
val list_append : Ppxlib.expression list -> Ppxlib.expression
val res : Ppxlib.longident Ppxlib.loc
val eexpected_value : string -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val evalue : Ppxlib__.Import.expression -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val eprotected : Ppxlib__.Import.expression -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val eexception : Ppxlib__.Import.expression -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val eprotect : Ppxlib.expression -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val may_raise_exception : Ir.value -> bool
val subst_core_type : (string * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> Ppxlib.core_type -> Ppxlib.core_type
val ocaml_of_term : Cfg.t -> Gospel.Tterm.term -> Ppxlib.expression Reserr.reserr
val subst_term : (Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t * 'a) list -> ?out_of_scope:Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t list -> gos_t:Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t list -> ?old_lz:bool -> old_t:(Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t * Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t) list -> ?new_lz:bool -> new_t:(Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t * Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t) list -> Gospel.Tterm.term -> Gospel.Tterm.term Reserr.reserr

subst_term state ~gos_t ?old_lz ~old_t ?new_lz ~new_t trm will substitute occurrences in gos_t with the associcated values from new_t or old_t depending on whether the occurrence appears above or under the old operator, adding a Lazy.force if the corresponding xxx_lz is true (defaults to false). gos_t must always be in a position in which it is applied to one of its model fields. Calling subst_term with new_t and old_t as the empty list will check that the term does not contain gos_t

val translate_checks : Cfg.t -> (Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t * 'a) list -> Ir.value -> (Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t * Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t) list -> Ir.term -> Ppxlib.expression Reserr.reserr
val str_of_ident : Ident.t -> string
val longident_loc_of_ident : Ident.t -> Ppxlib.longident Ppxlib.loc
val mk_cmd_pattern : Ir.value -> Ppxlib__.Import.pattern
val munge_longident : bool -> Astlib__.Ast_414.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib.longident Ppxlib.loc -> string Reserr.reserr
val pat_of_core_type : (string * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> Astlib__.Ast_414.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib__.Import.pattern Reserr.reserr
val exp_of_core_type : ?use_small:bool -> (string * Ppxlib.core_type) list -> Astlib__.Ast_414.Parsetree.core_type -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression Reserr.reserr
val exp_of_ident : Ident.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression
val arb_cmd_case : Cfg.t -> Ir.value -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression Reserr.reserr
val arb_cmd : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val run_case : Cfg.t -> string -> Ir.value -> Reserr.reserr
val run : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val pop_states : Ident.t -> Ir.value -> Ppxlib__.Import.value_binding list * (Ident.t * Ident.t) list
val next_state_case : (Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t * 'a) list -> Cfg.t -> Ident.t -> int -> Ir.value -> (int list * Reserr.reserr
val next_state : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> ((Gospel.Identifier.Ident.t * int list) list * Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item) Reserr.reserr
val precond_case : Cfg.t -> (Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t * 'a) list -> Ident.t -> Ir.value -> Reserr.reserr
val precond : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val expected_returned_value : (Ir.term -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression Reserr.reserr) -> Ir.value -> Ppxlib__.Import.expression option
val postcond_case : Cfg.t -> (Gospel.Tterm.Ident.t * 'a) list -> (Gospel.Symbols.Ident.t * Ir.term list) option -> int list -> Ident.t -> Ident.t -> Ir.value -> Reserr.reserr
val postcond : Cfg.t -> (Gospel.Identifier.Ident.t * int list) list -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val dummy_postcond : Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item
val cmd_constructor : Ir.value -> Ppxlib__.Import.constructor_declaration
val cmd_type : Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item
val pp_cmd_case : Cfg.t -> Ir.value -> Reserr.reserr
val cmd_show : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val get_max_suts : Ir.t -> int
val sut_module : Cfg.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure
val sut_defs : Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item list
val init_state : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val model_module : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item list Reserr.reserr
val state_defs : Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item list
val check_init_state : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val ghost_function : Cfg.t -> Gospel.Tast.function_ -> (Cfg.t * Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item) Reserr.reserr
val ghost_functions : Cfg.t -> Gospel.Tast.function_ list -> (Cfg.t * Ppxlib.structure_item list) Reserr.reserr
val ghost_types : Cfg.t -> (Gospel.Tast.rec_flag * Gospel.Tast.type_declaration list) list -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list Reserr.reserr
val agree_prop : Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item
val prepend_include_in_module : string -> Ppxlib_ast__Ast_helper_lite.lid -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list
val qcheck : Cfg.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list
val util : Cfg.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list
val gen_tuple_ty : int list -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item
val gen_tuple_constr : int list -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item
val tuple_types : Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item list
val integer_ty_ext : Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item list
val pp_ortac_cmd_case : Cfg.t -> string -> string -> Ir.value -> Reserr.reserr
val ortac_cmd_show : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib__.Import.structure_item Reserr.reserr
val sut_stm_ty_defs : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure
val stm : Cfg.t -> Ir.t -> Ppxlib_ast.Ast.structure_item list Reserr.reserr

Innovation. Community. Security.